Praha/Paříž a Palo Alto, 22. ledna 2014 – Společnosti Capgemini, přední světový poskytovatel konzultačních, technologických a outsourcingových služeb, a VMware, globální lídr v oblasti virtualizačních řešení a cloudové infrastruktury, rozšířily své strategické partnerství a budou společně vyvíjet nová řešení. Tento krok obohatí platformu pro integraci, agregaci a řízení služeb od Capgemini o řešení pro správu cloudu od VMware. (TZ)
Rozšíření partnerství je výsledkem společné vize Capgemini a VMware o vývoji firem v éře cloudu. Nová řešení pomohou zákazníkům snáze dosáhnout IT ve formě služby, protože zlepší správu využívání cloudů napříč různými poskytovateli a operátory a zajistí soulad s pravidly, ochranu suverenity dat a rychlejší přijetí cloudu. V rámci spolupráce dojde k propojení řešení pro virtualizaci a správu cloudu od VMware s odbornými znalostmi Capgemini z oblasti integrace, agregace a řízení služeb. Nová řešení od Capgemini a VMware pomohou velkým firmám po celém světě zjednodušit správu cloudu, maximalizovat efektivitu provozu a zvětšit pružnost IT i podnikání při současném zlepšení kvality služeb.
Dále pokračuje znění tiskové zprávy v angličtině:
These new solutions, which are a key component of Capgemini’s Orchestration Platform, will combine Capgemini’s market-leading service integration solution, as well as Capgemini’s service aggregation and orchestration solutions, with VMware vCloud® Automation Center™, vCenter™ Operations Management Suite™ and VMware IT Business Management Suite™. As a result, enterprises will be able to more rapidly create and deliver new business services while transforming their IT infrastructure and modernizing their existing applications.
For instance, an enterprise marketing director seeking a new application for business analysis and operations management will have the ability to access a robust set of pre-packaged solutions that align to overall business policies and specific marketing needs, eliminating time-consuming background research, procurement and provisioning. Through the end-user service portal, the marketing director will be able to select the best provider and solution in accordance with business goals, policies and budget requirements. This enables IT and the business to more effectively manage usage, quality and costs of available services, while dramatically improving time to market.
In addition, the joint solutions are designed to improve financial and service level management of cloud services and providers via a real-time dashboard that can provide CFOs with visibility into LOB usage and IT spend. Similarly, CIOs will gain transparency into overall application usage, allowing for greater control over the support of business processes and enabling true collaboration across the enterprise ecosystem. The platform will also allow businesses to consume services in a rapid and efficient manner.
“In order to support a globally connected workforce, cloud solutions that are efficient, effective and bring real-time business insights are essential,” comments Raf Howery, Senior Vice President and Head of Infra Strategy and Ecosystem for Capgemini. “Expanding our VMware partnership with the introduction of our new business cloud solution is a key part of our cloud orchestration strategy, allowing enterprises to better manage the complexity of their IT transformation journey. It will enable them to transition to cloud with greater flexibility and simplicity and to obtain resources across legacy, public, private or hybrid environments. They will see an immediate business impact.”
“VMware Cloud Management solutions have been designed to meet the demands of IT-as-a-Service – self-service, scale, velocity of change, shared infrastructures – as well as the modern applications they support. This industry leading cloud management solution, along with Capgemini’s power and expertise to implement large-scale successful enterprise solutions significantly expands our partnership and joint value for our customers,” said Ramin Sayar, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Cloud Management Business Unit, VMware. “I am excited about our joint investment and strategy, which will span across multiple business and technology practices, and will provide unique and differentiated value to the industry and our enterprise customers.”
Additional Resources
Video: Patrick Nicolet, Head of Infrastructure Services at Capgemini and Pat Gelsinger, CEO of VMware, discuss the new expanded partnership –
About Capgemini
With more than 130,000 people in 44 countries, Capgemini is one of the world’s foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services. The Group reported 2012 global revenues of EUR 10.3 billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. A deeply multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model.
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O VMware
Společnost VMware je lídrem v oblasti virtualizačních řešení a cloudové infrastruktury, které umožňují firmám všech velikostí dosahovat lepších výsledků v podnikání v éře cloudu. Zákazníci se na společnost VMware spoléhají při revoluční změně způsobu jak budovat, dodávat a používat informační technologie tak, aby přesně odrážely jejich potřeby. S tržbami ve výši 4,61 miliardy USD v roce 2012 má VMware více než 500 tisíc zákazníků a 55 tisíc partnerů. Společnost sídlí v Silicon Valley a disponuje pobočkami po celém světě. Další informace najdete na