Finanční výsledky Huawei za rok 2014

Obrat společnosti Huawei v ČR se v loňském roce zvýšil o 21 % a překonal poprvé v historii působení firmy na českém trhu hranici 3 miliard korun (3 024 281 000 Kč). Zisk před zdaněním se v roce 2014 zvýšil o 16 % a překonal hranici 51 milionů korun (51 467 000 Kč). (TZ)

„Obchodní výsledky za rok 2014 potvrzují naše stabilní postavení a udržitelný růst na českém trhu. Naším cílem je i nadále zákazníkům poskytovat konkurenční výhodu v oblasti telekomunikačních a podnikových sítí, mobilních zařízení a cloudových řešení. V letošním roce dále rozšíříme naše působení i náš přínos místní společnosti,“ komentuje Radoslaw Kedzia, výkonný ředitel (Managing Director) společnosti Huawei Technologies (Czech) s.r.o.

Huawei Reports CNY288.2 billion Revenue for 2014

2014 Annual Report shows strong financial performance

across all Business Groups

[Shenzhen, China – March 31, 2015] Huawei today released the KPMG-audited annual report which showed record revenue and net profit for 2014, with financial performance up strongly across all business areas.

Overall Group revenue reached CNY288.2 billion (USD46.5 billion), an increase of 20.6% from 2013, and Group net profit reached CNY27.9 billion (USD4.5 billion), up 32.7% year on year.

”Our strong revenue growth in 2014 can be attributed to a continuous focus on our pipe strategy, while profit increase stems from streamlined management and improvements in overall efficiency,” said Ken Hu, Deputy Chairman of the Board and Rotating CEO. “With heavy investment in innovations in areas such as cloud computing, big data, 5G, SDN and NFV, we believe we are well positioned to capture the tremendous business opportunities in this digital transformation era.”

All Business Groups (BGs) performed strongly in 2014:

  • Carrier Business Group – revenue increased by 16.4% to CNY192.1 billion (USD31 billion), with a strong contribution from mobile broadband network rollouts around the world
  • Enterprise Business Group – revenue increased by 27.3% to CNY19.4 billion (USD3 billion), with strong growth in network and IT areas including cloud data center solutions and agile networks
  • Consumer Business Group – revenue increased by 32.6% to CNY75.1 billion (USD12 billion), thanks to growing consumer demand for smartphones and particularly strong growth in emerging markets.

Huawei continues to invest heavily in innovation. In 2014, Huawei invested CNY40.8 billion (USD6.6 billion) into research and development (R&D), representing 14.2% of 2014 revenue and a significant increase of 29.4% from 2013. Huawei has invested more than CNY190 billion (USD30.7 billion) in R&D over the past decade.

Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou remarked, „In 2014, Huawei maintained effective growth and achieved steady financial performance. Our cash flow, revenue, and profit all grew over the previous year. The net cash amounted to CNY77.9 billion (USD12.6 billion). Moreover, our debt and financing structures have continuously improved. Huawei’s short-term and long-term borrowings totaled CNY28.1 billion (USD4.5 billion) as of December 31, 2014, provided primarily by overseas financial institutions at market rates.“

Hu said, “As 2015 unfolds, ICT technologies, notably broadband, cloud computing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things (IoT), are becoming the engines that drive transformations in many industries. Huawei will continue focusing on pipe strategy to create value for our customers. Through the dedication of our employees, Huawei strives to become a strategic partner for carriers in their future transformation, a leader in providing enterprise ICT infrastructure, and a top smart device brand preferred and trusted by consumers.”

Hu continued, “Together with our customers and partners, we are committed to building a Better Connected World with our innovative ICT products, solutions and services, thus creating value for social progress.”

Huawei’s annual report, including its accounts audited independently by international accounting firm KPMG, can be downloaded at

(Exchange Rates: 1USD = 6.1958CNY as of December 31, 2014)

(All increase rates in the press release was calculated in CNY)


About Huawei

Huawei is a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider. Our aim is to enrich life and improve efficiency through a better connected world, acting as a responsible corporate citizen, innovative enabler for the information society, and collaborative contributor to the industry. Driven by customer-centric innovation and open partnerships, Huawei has established an end-to-end ICT solutions portfolio that gives customers competitive advantages in telecom and enterprise networks, devices and cloud computing. Huawei’s 170,000 employees worldwide are committed to creating maximum value for telecom operators, enterprises and consumers. Our innovative ICT solutions, products and services are used in more than 170 countries and regions, serving over one-third of the world’s population. Founded in 1987, Huawei is a private company fully owned by its employees.

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