Praha/Palo Alto/Hopkinton, 21. října 2015 – Společnosti EMC Corporation (NYSE:EMC) a VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW), oznámily plány na vytvoření nové společnosti zaměřené na cloudové služby. Společnost vznikne kombinací vlastních cloudových řešení obou firem a stávající cloudové nabídky firmy Virtustream a cloudové služby se sjednotí pod značkou Virtustream. Společnost Virtustream bude spoluvlastněna firmami VMware a EMC, v čele s Rodney Rogersem, CEO společnosti Virtustream. V současné době prochází transakce poslední fází před finálním podpisem smlouvy. Hospodářské výsledky Virtustream budou zahrnuty do výsledků VMware počínaje prvním čtvrtletím roku 2016. (TZ)
Dále pokračuje znění tiskové zprávy v angličtině:
Story Highlights:
- EMC and VMware plan to form new cloud services business creating the industry’s most comprehensive hybrid cloud portfolio
- Will incorporate and align cloud capabilities of EMC Information Infrastructure, Virtustream and VMware to provide the complete spectrum of on- and off-premises cloud offerings
- The new cloud services business will be jointly owned 50:50 by VMware and EMC and will operate under the Virtustream brand led by CEO Rodney Rogers
- Virtustream’s financial results to be consolidated into VMware financial statements beginning in Q1 2016
- Virtustream is expected to generate multiple hundreds of millions of dollars in recurring revenue in 2016, focused on enterprise-centric cloud services, with an outlook to grow to a multi-billion business over the next several years
- VMware will establish a Cloud Provider Software business unit incorporating existing VMware cloud management offerings and Virtustream’s software assets — including the xStream cloud management platform and others
- VMware will host a conference call today at 2:00 p.m. PT/ 5:00 p.m. ET to review financial results and business outlook. A live web broadcast of the event will be available on the VMware investor relations website at
- EMC will host a live webcast for investors tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. to discuss third-quarter financial results. The webcast can be accessed from the EMC Investor Relations website (
Virtustream is expected to generate multiple hundreds of millions of dollars in recurring revenue in 2016, focused on enterprise-centric cloud services, with an outlook to grow to a multi-billion business over the next several years. Virtustream will be a leader in hybrid cloud, one of the largest markets for IT infrastructure spending. The company will provide a complete spectrum of managed services for on-premises infrastructure and its enterprise-class Infrastructure-as-a-Service platform, enabling customers to move all their applications, including mission-critical applications, to cloud-based IT environments. Virtustream will offer a compatible public cloud experience for customers who deploy the Federation Enterprise Hybrid Cloud solution within their business.
„Through Virtustream, we are addressing the changes in buying patterns and IT cloud operation models that we are seeing in the market. Our customers consistently tell us that they are focused on their IT transformations and journeys to the hybrid cloud. The EMC Federation is now positioned as a complete provider of hybrid cloud offerings,“ said Joe Tucci, EMC Corporation Chairman and CEO.
The new business will incorporate and align the cloud capabilities of EMC Information Infrastructure, VCE, Virtustream and VMware to provide the complete spectrum of on- and off- premises offerings including: VMware vCloud Air, VCE Cloud Managed Services, Virtustream’s Infrastructure-as-a-Service, and EMC’s Storage Managed Services and Object Storage Services offerings.
Virtustream will integrate these assets to provide customers with a unified infrastructure-as-a-service offering, designed to support the complete spectrum of business workloads, with a service portfolio that spans a full range of services and deployment options. The business will integrate and extend existing on-premises EMC Federation private cloud deployments into the public cloud, maintaining a common experience for developers, managers, architects and end users. Virtustream’s cloud services will be delivered directly to customers and through partners.
VMware will establish a Cloud Provider Software business unit led by Ajay Patel, VMware senior vice president, focused on delivering cloud software and solutions to cloud providers including VMware’s vCloud Air Network, to help them rapidly harness the opportunity of the hybrid cloud. This new unit will incorporate assets and people from the VMware vCloud Air Application Services business, vCloud Director and vCloud Air Network teams, as well as Virtustream’s Software Business including Advisor Planning and Migration tool, xStream cloud management platform and Viewtrust governance, risk and compliance solution.
Market Opportunity
Nearly one-third of all IT infrastructure spending is going to cloud-related technologies, according to a recent 451 Group report1. In addition, the focus of Cloud Services buyers is seen to be shifting up to the application stack. The demand for a simple infrastructure on demand utility is giving way to higher levels of interest in solutions that include integration and management. Enterprise adoption overall is still on the rise with a shift in focus to private & hybrid architectures. The Global ERP market is estimated to reach $41.2B by 20202 with Cloud-based ERP now growing faster than on-premises ERP3.
Executive Quotes
Rodney Rogers, Chief Executive Officer, Virtustream
„I am honored and excited to have the opportunity to lead the new Virtustream,” said Rodney Rogers, CEO for Virtustream. “Our vision of combining our IP and collective cloud platform and services capabilities for mission-critical applications, backed by the strength and reach of EMC and VMware will deliver an enterprise-focused hybrid cloud solution that is unrivaled in the market. We expect Virtustream will become one of the top 5 service providers globally and are thrilled about what this means to all of our customers, partners, and the Federation moving forward.”
Pat Gelsinger, Chief Executive Officer, VMware
“The new Virtustream business will feature the industry’s broadest portfolio of hybrid cloud offerings, enabling customers to move all their applications to cloud-based IT environments and seamlessly manage their on-premises and off-premises environments. We see tremendous growth opportunities for VMware and EMC with the new Virtustream business, building on the strong momentum of vCloud Air.”
David Goulden, Chief Executive Officer, EMC Information Infrastructure
“This is an exciting time for the EMC Federation of businesses, and today’s news is central to our strategy to help customers move all of their applications to the cloud. The new Virtustream business will enable customers to implement a hybrid cloud-based IT environment that incorporates the best of both public and private cloud quickly, and from one source. The Federation Enterprise Hybrid Cloud solution, along with the addition of Virtustream and vCloud Air cloud offerings, will not only offer customers choice and flexibility, but also will help them react quickly to optimize growth and transform their businesses.”
Dodatečné zdroje (v angličtině)
- Read VMware’s blog post by Ajay Patel
- Connect with EMC on Twitter (@EMCCorp and @EMC_News), LinkedIn, Facebook and SocialSphere
- Follow VMware on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube
O VMware
Společnost VMware je světovým lídrem v oblasti cloudové infrastruktury a firemní mobility. Řešení VMware jsou založena na vedoucí virtualizační technologii a nabízí zcela nový model plynulého, rychlého a bezpečného IT. Zákazníci mohou rychleji inovovat svou infrastrukturu díky rapidnímu vývoji, automatickému doručování a bezpečnému používání libovolné aplikace. S tržbami ve výši 6 miliard USD v roce 2014 má VMware více než 500 tisíc zákazníků a 75 000 partnerů. Společnost sídlí v Silicon Valley a disponuje pobočkami po celém světě. Další informace najdete na