VMware Cloud na AWS přidává nová datová centra v Evropě a USA. Širší možnosti pro obnovu po havárii, migraci do cloudu, cloudové virtuální desktopy a produktovou podporu
PRAHA / BARCELONA, Španělsko – 8. listopadu 2018 – Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), na konferenci VMworld Europe 2018 oznámila další rozšiřování dostupnosti služby VMware Cloud on AWS v Evropě a Spojených státech. Ve 4. čtvrtletí 2018 budou zavedeny nové regiony AWS EU (Irsko), AWS West (severní Kalifornie) a AWS East (Ohio). Společnost VMware také představila nové funkcionality této hybridní cloudové služby, které zákazníkům pomohou lépe chránit a zabezpečovat aplikace a virtuální desktopy.
VMware Cloud na AWS přináší softwarově definované datové centrum VMware do cloudu AWS. Tato hybridní cloudová služba založená na platformě VMware Cloud Foundation poskytuje konzistentní infrastrukturu a zajišťuje konzistentnost provozu od datového centra po cloud. Umožňuje tak zákazníkům jednoduše přejít na cloud, škálovat zdroje podle aktuální potřeby a realizovat strategie aplikací příští generace. Aplikace nasazené v tomto prostředí, které společně vytvořily společnosti VMware a Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), mohou využít výhod robustní ochrany proti havárii a optimalizovaného přístupu ke službám AWS. Díky totožné architektuře a řízení provozu v lokálním a cloudovém prostředí mohou IT týmy nyní podniku pomoci rychle realizovat přínosy využití hybridního cloudu AWS a VMware. VMware Cloud na AWS dodává, prodává a podporuje společnost VMware a komunita jejích partnerů.
„VMware Cloud na AWS získává celosvětově na oblibě,“ říká Mark Lohmeyer, viceprezident společnosti VMware a generální ředitel obchodní jednotky cloudových platforem. „Nyní poprvé zavádíme několik regionů současně. Zároveň neustále inovujeme naše globální datová centra. VMware Cloud na AWS se stává preferovaným prostředím pro zákazníky, kteří migrují pracovní zátěže ze systémů VMware do cloudu. A partnerská podpora je rozsáhlejší než kdy dříve – za pouhých šest měsíců bylo pro toto řešení vyškoleno přes 200 partnerů. Dneškem dáváme zákazníkům k dispozici ještě lepší hybridní cloudové řešení, které mohou využít pro své nejnáročnější aplikace, s dokonalejším zabezpečením a v rozsahu, jaký potřebují.“
Dále tisková zpráva pokračuje v angličtině:
“Our VMware Cloud on AWS customers are able to uniquely migrate applications such as SAP, Oracle, and SQL Server between and across SDDCs and availability zones faster and more securely than ever before with the use of VMware HCX, VMware vMotion, and VMware NSX integration with AWS Direct Connect,” said Sandy Carter, vice president, EC2 Windows Enterprise Workloads, Amazon Web Services, Inc. “AWS is thrilled to be part of this high-performance and secure cloud solution that takes advantage of a Virtual Cloud Network to accelerate cloud and workload migration, as well as application hybridity, with no additional HW cost.”
Protecting Business Operations with Fast, Large-Scale Disaster Recovery as a Service
Advancements to disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) for VMware Cloud on AWS deliver robust protection for large-scale and storage intensive workloads, while significantly reducing the cost and complexity previously required to enable the business continuity of mission-critical applications.
With VMware Site Recovery, customers benefit from automated orchestration, failover and failback capabilities, reducing secondary DR site costs, accelerating time-to-protection, increasing business resilience and simplifying DR operations. VMware Site Recovery enables customers to take advantage of flexible protection topologies between VMware Cloud on AWS and on-premises and between VMware Cloud on AWS environments. And, with the latest release, VMware announced that VMware Site Recovery will double in scale to 1,000 VMs per SDDC, reducing the overall cost and operational overhead for protecting large scale environments.
To minimize operational costs, customers pay only for what they use, when they need it, with granular, on-demand cloud pricing. Elastic DRS enables customers to optimize resource management by automating SDDC cluster scaling after failover happens based on user requirements, and Elastic vSAN with Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) will help customers further reduce costs of protecting storage intensive workloads.
VMware has teamed with Dell EMC to combine Dell EMC VxRail with VMware Site Recovery for comprehensive push button failover to VMware Cloud on AWS. This enables customers to quickly setup, test and failover from VxRail to the cloud on-demand, while benefitting from the operational consistency of VMware vSAN hyperconverged infrastructure that powers both VxRail and VMware Cloud on AWS.
The Hybrid Cloud Destination for Virtual Desktops and Applications
VMware Horizon 7 for VMware Cloud on AWS delivers a seamlessly integrated hybrid cloud for virtual desktops and applications. It combines the enterprise capabilities of VMware Cloud on AWS, with the leading capabilities of VMware Horizon – for a simple, more secure and scalable solution. VMware Cloud on AWS now supports Horizon 7 Instant Clones for just-in-time provisioning of virtual desktops. Customers can now spin up virtual desktops at an average rate of 1-2 seconds per desktop, and Instant Clones reduce storage consumed by up to 80 percent. Rolling desktop patching as users log off further simplifies maintenance. VMware also announced integration of Horizon 7 with the Horizon Cloud Service. This integration will provide unified visibility, health monitoring and helpdesk services for Horizon 7 deployments across both VMware Cloud on AWS and on-premises infrastructure.
Supporting Large-Scale, More Secure Cloud Migrations and Application Portability Globally
With continued expansion of VMware Cloud on AWS to additional AWS regions, and with new migration and portability capabilities, customers can more rapidly and reliably migrate applications and extend data centers to the cloud. Previously, a customer’s live migration of a large volume of VMs would incur data synchronization overhead, jeopardizing the reliability of the migration. VMware Cloud Motion with vSphere Replication, a capability in VMware Hybrid Cloud Extension, is now available providing predictable, live migration of thousands of virtual machines with zero downtime. Customers can also uniquely live migrate individual applications between and across SDDCs and Availability Zones using VMware vMotion.
In addition, with integration between VMware NSX, a foundational component of VMware Cloud on AWS and AWS Direct Connect, customers have a high-performance and intrinsically more secure Virtual Cloud Network to accelerate workload migration to the cloud. Networking and security are essential to successful data center extension and cloud migration projects. NSX and AWS Direct Connect integration accelerates migration to the cloud and enables multi-tier hybrid applications. Further, NSX micro-segmentation capabilities that are now available also deliver application-centric security with policies that follow workloads wherever they move within the SDDC environment.
New In-Product Support Experience for VMware Cloud on AWS
Customers run their business-critical operations on VMware Cloud on AWS. This means high-value technical support is essential for delivering operational efficiency, risk reduction and business continuity. VMware’s new In-Product Support gives customers a truly unique and effortless support experience to meet the dynamic needs of their digital business. VMware In-Product Support provides access to support channels and resources, including Chat with Support, Manage Support Requests, Community Support and Intelligent Search, from directly within their VMware environment. This provides customers a streamlined support experience, enabling customers to resolve their issues more quickly and easily. At VMworld Europe 2018, introduced VMware’s new In-Product Support Experience for VMware Cloud customers within Cloud Services Console, VMware Cloud on AWS and VMware Skyline. Following this initial introduction, we expect additional VMware Cloud solutions will receive the In-Product Support Experience in the future.
EMEA Customers Select VMware Cloud on AWS
Playtika is a pioneer in the games industry, having been one of the first companies to offer free-to-play social games on social networks and, shortly after, on mobile platforms. Today, the company supports more than 22 million active users. VMware Cloud on AWS provides Playtika with a consistent hybrid cloud environment to support continuous global expansion.
“As a business that is growing both organically and through M&A, Playtika needs fast access to cloud resources that are consistent with our existing environment,” said Erez Rachmil, vice president of IT & research and development, Playtika. “With VMware Cloud on AWS, Playtika created a new development environment for hundreds of developers in only a few days. We also successfully migrated 600 game development VMs to VMware Cloud on AWS using HCX to expand our footprint without disrupting the business or changing policies and internal procedures.”
Founded in Germany in 1949, today the Otto Group is a globally operating retail and services group with around 51,800 employees. The Group includes 123 major companies and is present in over 30 countries in Europe, North and South America and Asia. Its business activities are grouped into three segments: Multichannel Retail, Financial Services and Service.
“Our businesses cover the full spectrum of retail and retail-related services and, as such, they have unique demands that require our team to react with speed and agility,” said Werner Peters, Hybrid Cloud Architect, Otto Group. “VMware Cloud on AWS has enabled us to adopt a hybrid cloud environment, providing the flexibility an organization consisting of more than 100 companies requires. VMware Cloud on AWS has received rave reviews from members of our IT team as it allows them to react quickly to the demands of their specific team while improving our own applications easily with additional AWS services. In addition, we are reducing costs associated with spare capacity in our on premises data centers.”
For information on all news announcements issued at VMworld 2018 Europe, please visit the Online Press Kit.
Additional Resources
- Read a perspective on today’s VMworld Europe 2018 news from Joe Baguley, Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, EMEA at VMware, “VMworld 2018 Europe – Enabling a More Digital, Connected Enterprise”
- Read this blog for details on what’s new with this release of VMware Cloud on AWS
- View the most current VMware Cloud on AWS roadmap
- Learn more about VMware Cloud on AWS
- Bookmark the VMware Cloud on AWS blog
Follow updates about VMware Cloud on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube
O společnosti VMware
Software společnosti VMware je základem komplexní digitální infrastruktury na celém světě. Její výpočetní, cloudová, mobilní, síťová a bezpečnostní řešení ve spolupráci s ekosystémem 75 000 partnerů pomáhají budovat dynamická a efektivní digitální prostředí více než 500 000 zákazníků z celého světa. Společnost VMware sídlí v Palo Alto v Kalifornii a letos slaví dvacet let od uvedení přelomové technologie, z níž mají prospěch podniky i společnost. Další informace naleznete na stránkách https://www.vmware.com/company.html