Poslední inovace v oblasti hybridní cloudové infrastruktury usnadňují přesuny, modernizaci a správu pracovních zátěží v cloudech, datových centrech a okrajových prostředích a zajišťují konzistentnost provozu
PRAHA / SAN FRANCISCO / VMworld U.S. 2019 (27. srpna 2019) – Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), na konferenci VMworld 2019 představila novou rozšířenou nabídku cloudových řešení, která zákazníkům pomohou naplnit specifické potřeby tradičních a moderních aplikací. VMware nabízí správcům IT, vývojářům, administrátorům desktopů a bezpečnostním pracovníkům hybridní cloudovou platformu s konzistentní infrastrukturou pro tvorbu, provoz a správu pracovních zátěží v datových centrech, veřejném cloudu nebo na okrajové infrastruktuře. Pomocí hybridní cloudové platformy, založené na technologiích VMware, mohou zákazníci přenášet a modernizovat aplikace v cloudech, datových centrech a okrajových prostředích a zároveň zjednodušovat plánování, zavádění, rozpočtování a provoz cloudu.
Hybridní cloud představuje pro podniky nový standard. Téměř dvě třetiny těch, kdo si cloud pořizují, hledají takový model, který obsáhne datové centrum, cloud a okrajové prostředí. (Zdroj: VMware Cloud Journey study, 2018). Podnikové IT stále častěji volí hybridní cloud jako optimální prostředí pro veškeré aplikace. Hybridní cloud podnikům otevírá dosud nevídané možnosti využití téměř neomezených prostředků v datových centrech, cloudu a v okrajových prostředích. Nyní mohou provozovat pracovní zátěže tam, kde potřebují, a snadno je přesouvat, mít k dispozici své prostředky odkudkoli a zajišťovat potřebné kapacity pro stávající i nové aplikace. To vše je možné bez nákladů, práce a rizik spojených s úpravami aplikací. Tato faktická nová architektura hybridního IT může existovat díky konzistentní infrastruktuře – výpočetní, úložné a síťové – a jejímu konzistentnímu provozu ve všech prostředích.
Řešení VMware Cloud představuje budoucnost hybridního IT. Zákazníkům pomáhá zajišťovat potřeby aplikací tím, že poskytuje hybridní cloud jako platformu. Společnost VMware jako jediná nabízí konzistentní hybridní cloudovou platformu pokrývající všechny hlavní veřejné cloudy – AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud – a přes 60 ověřených partnerů VMware po celém světě. Na platformách VMware běží 70 milionů pracovních zátěží. Z nich se 10 milionů nachází v cloudu. Konkrétně ve více než 10 000 datových center provozovaných poskytovateli řešení VMware Cloud.
„Hybridní cloud poskytuje každému podniku prostředky k dnešnímu růstu a svobodu inovovat do budoucna,“ říká Raghu Raghuram, provozní ředitel pro produkty a služby společnosti VMware. „Žádný jiný dodavatel nepojímá hybridní cloud tak široce a uceleně jako VMware. O naši hybridní cloudovou platformu mají zákazníci značný zájem a tyto inovace posilují naše vedoucí postavení v oblasti cloudových technologií. Nabízíme bezkonkurenční úroveň konzistentnosti infrastruktury a provozu, od datového centra přes cloud po okraj sítě.
Dále pokračuje tisková zpráva v angličtině:
Consistent Hybrid Cloud Operations
VMware Hybrid Cloud Operations simplify the way customers manage systems and applications through automation, cost management, compliance, resource governance, security and visibility. New advancements in VMware Hybrid Cloud Operations include:
- Self-Driving Operations: As customers deploy applications across hybrid clouds, critical operational tasks such as capacity planning, performance management, troubleshooting and enabling compliance to become challenging. VMware vRealize Operations 8.0 is optimized for the new world of hybrid cloud operations. It will deliver new and enhanced capabilities for self-driving hybrid cloud and hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) operations as well as multi-cloud monitoring. The latest release will deliver Intent-Driven continuous performance optimization, more efficient capacity management, intelligent remediation and integrated compliance and configuration. These capabilities will enable customers to manage multiple cloud resources and applications with the same software that they use to manage their datacenter. VMware vRealize Operations Cloud, a SaaS offering, is now in Tech Preview.
- Hybrid Cloud Automation: VMware vRealize Automation 8.0 will enable IT and DevOps to automate the self-service deployment and day 2 operations of complex applications, VMs and containers on any cloud. The solution will enhance operational agility and developer productivity through a series of new capabilities that will improve ease of use, user experience and multi-cloud readiness, with broad extensibility across VMware Cloud on AWS and all major public clouds, and enhanced ServiceNow, Terraform and Git integrations. The solution will be built upon a container-based microservices architecture that is easier and simpler to install, with improved performance and high availability. These services will also be available as part of VMware vRealize Automation Cloud, previously known as Cloud Automation Services.
- Complete Cloud Management Platform: VMware vRealize Suite 2019 software will integrate vRealize Automation 8.0 and vRealize Operations 8.0 to deliver advanced closed loop optimization capabilities that enable continuous performance optimization, simplify IT operations, and lower IT costs. The addition of VMware vCloud Suite 2019 Platinum in vRealize Suite 2019 will enable IT Operations teams to gain visibility into application context and behavior to accurately identify and eliminate legitimate threats in real time, while continuously hardening and protecting workloads.
- Hybrid Cloud Cost and Compliance: CloudHealth is a leading multi-cloud management platform for managing cloud costs, enabling governance and enforcing business policy. CloudHealth manages more than $8 billion dollars of public cloud spend at more than 5,000 customers. CloudHealth Hybrid is a new service that will extend the same rich cost optimization, migration assessment governance and security functionality that CloudHealth delivers to public cloud environments, to VMware hybrid cloud environments. Customers will be able to eliminate wasted cloud spend and provide users with reports on actual cloud spend (showback) through visibility into all cloud costs with cost/usage/performance data. CloudHealth Hybrid will enable organizations to accelerate migrations and optimize cloud infrastructure for each workload based on cost/performance. With the ability to create policies for proper hybrid cloud resource usage, and trigger notifications when policies are violated, customers will gain flexibility with guardrails to better prevent unauthorized services and security vulnerabilities.
- Enterprise Observability: Wavefront by VMware delivers integrated, full-stack enterprise observability from application to infrastructure across any cloud, empowering DevOps, Kubernetes and container operations, and development teams to troubleshoot application workloads and get to root cause faster. With a new enterprise-wide dashboard UX, Wavefront simplifies troubleshooting and reduces incident remediation times through automation triggered by fine-grained alerts. Kubernetes monitoring is enhanced with automatic service discovery for Kubernetes environments, including the discovery of application and infrastructure components allowing the setup of default dashboards. Wavefront can observe and help enable operation of more than 200,000 concurrently running containers. Wavefront is also strengthening applications observability with the addition of trace logs to distributed tracing offering. This provides instant insights into the health and performance of Kubernetes, containerized applications and microservices at scale.
- VMware Cloud Marketplace, powered by Bitnami: VMware Cloud Marketplace enables customers to discover and deploy validated, third-party solutions for VMware platforms, across public, private and hybrid cloud environments. The marketplace is now available for VMware Cloud on AWS and VMware Cloud Provider Partners. From the entire catalog – which also includes hundreds of open-source solutions packaged by Bitnami – customers can browse, filter and select the specialized tools that are right for them. For vendors, it offers a way to easily publish solutions for VMware customers globally, and for multiple VMware platforms. Currently, VMware Cloud Marketplace meets a variety of common use-case requirements such as back-up and security, through third-party ISV solutions and popular open-source options.
- Cloud Migration: VMware HCX is the leading application mobility platform that enables cloud mobility and migration for a variety of on-prem to on-prem, on-prem to cloud, or cloud to on-prem scenarios. Cloud Migration Services, built on VMware HCX, simplifies the complex tasks associated with identifying, planning and migrating workloads to any hybrid cloud. A new Cloud Migration experience is available on VMware Cloud on AWS today through the Cloud Console, and over time other workflows are planned to be available on VMware Cloud on AWS as well as other platforms such as VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts and VMware Cloud on Dell EMC.
- Disaster Recovery as-a-Service and Data Protection: VMware is partnering with Dell EMC across multiple areas to bring customers greater choice in Disaster Recovery as-a-Service and Data Protection solutions. Initially the companies will collaborate on a new DRaaS solution using AWS S3 for VMware Cloud on AWS. VMware and Dell EMC will also collaborate to enable Dell EMC to offer best in class data protection solutions for VMware workloads running at the edge, core and cloud.
- Proactive Support: VMware Skyline, developed by VMware Global Services, is a proactive support technology available to customers with an active Production Support or Premier Services contract. Skyline automatically and more securely collects, aggregates and analyzes customer-specific product usage data to proactively identify potential issues and improve time-to-resolution. Skyline has added new proactive support enhancements including automated software compatibility checks, automated log bundle upload for Horizon 7.10 and above via Log Assist, and integration with Dell EMC Support Assist, enabling a richer proactive support experience for customers running VMware and Dell. VMware Skyline is included with customer’s Production and Premier Support subscriptions. Premier Support customers will have access to advanced reporting features and remediation support from dedicated support representatives.
Consistent Cloud Infrastructure Across Data Center, Cloud and Edge
VMware Cloud Foundation enables a hybrid cloud platform that spans all major public clouds – AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud – and more than 60 VMware Cloud Verified partners worldwide. Today, VMware is announcing:
- VMware Cloud on Dell EMC: VMware Cloud on Dell EMC provides simple, more secure and scalable infrastructure delivered as-a-service to customers’ on-premises data center and edge locations, this co-engineered offering from VMware and Dell Technologies is now available in the U.S. VMware Cloud on Dell EMC is core to the Dell Technologies Cloud Data Center-as-a-Service solution, unveiled at Dell Technologies World 2019. VMware Cloud on Dell EMC consists of VMware’s high-performance compute, storage and networking software powered by VMware vSphere, vSAN and NSX tightly integrated with Dell EMC VxRail hyperconverged infrastructure, and delivered as a service. The cloud service is fully managed by VMware and combines public cloud simplicity, agility and economics with the security, control and performance of on-premises infrastructure.
- VMware Cloud on AWS: VMware Cloud on AWS is a jointly engineered service that brings VMware’s enterprise class Software-Defined Data Center software to the AWS Cloud, delivered as an on-demand service with optimized access to AWS services, enabling IT teams to leverage the best of both worlds. This release focuses on migrating and modernizing workloads. New VMware HCX capabilities enable push-button migration and interconnectivity between VMware Cloud on AWS SDDCs running in different AWS Regions and new Elastic vSAN support further improves storage scaling. Once applications are migrated, customers can extend the capabilities of applications through integration of native AWS Services. In the future, through innovative technology, such as Bitfusion and partnerships with industry leaders such as NVIDIA, customers will be able to enrich existing applications and power new modern enterprise applications, including AI, machine learning, and data analytics workflows, through best-in-class GPU acceleration services.
- VMware Tanzu: This new portfolio of products and services is designed to transform the way enterprises build software on Kubernetes. The first offering in the VMware Tanzu portfolio will be VMware Tanzu Mission Control. A tech preview, Tanzu Mission Control will enable customers to manage their Kubernetes footprint across environments with complete consistency. VMware also announced a tech preview of Project Pacific, which is focused on transforming VMware vSphere into a Kubernetes native platform in a future release. This will enable enterprises to accelerate development and operation of modern apps on vSphere while continuing to take advantage of existing investments in technology, tools and skillsets.
- Foundation for the Hybrid Cloud: VMware vSphere and vSAN are building blocks of VMware Cloud Foundation—the industry-leading solution for hybrid cloud that expands the definition of HCI by unifying the essential cloud infrastructure capabilities of compute, storage, networking and integrated cloud management. VMware recently made available new releases of vSphere and vSAN which together power the industry’s leading hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) solutions. VMware vSphere 6.7 Update 3 delivers capabilities to further simplify operations and enhance performance of the platform. The release introduced new support for multiple NVIDIA GRID virtual GPUs (vGPU) per virtual machine to enable more graphics and compute intensive workloads to run on the platform. Additionally, the new release is now compatible with the second generation of AMD EPYC™ processors. VMware vSAN 6.7 Update 3 delivers container-ready infrastructure through its new Cloud Native Storage (CNS) to support agile, next-gen application development and enhancements to management for consistent operations across hybrid clouds.
Customer Commentary
8×8 Inc. is a leading Software-as-a-Service provider of voice, video, chat, contact center, and enterprise-class API solutions for all sized businesses. Dejan Deklich, chief product officer at 8×8 said, “The Wavefront platform provides unparalleled visibility across all cloud microservices helping hundreds of developers become more productive focusing on innovation, while enabling 8×8 to deliver exceptional SLAs and ensure customers receive the highest quality of service.”
Boys Town is an American institution that has helped tens of thousands of at-risk young people over the course of its 100+ year history. Ryan Metcalf, Director of System Operations at Boys Town said, “Boys Town is in the process of moving to a DevOps type of environment, and we’re building that largely on VMware. We want server and storage infrastructure to be very easily deployable, so we’re automating as much as we can. vRealize Suite Enterprise gives us a great foundation for DevOps and automation.”
Cerner has a broad range of services that enables organizations to form a relationship designed to help them receive great value from their solutions. Vic Barra, lead architect, vSphere Platform at Cerner said, “We leverage a full automation platform powered by VMware vRealize Suite to help modernize everything we do and better serve our customers. VMware vRealize Suite easily integrated into our multi-cloud strategy and reduced costs and risk, all while helping us achieve our goal of modernizing everything we do in the data center. VMware allowed us to provide to our developers, a team of over 1,000, to produce faster, more secure solutions for our clients. In an industry where our clients are literally saving lives, we couldn’t have asked for a better partner to help us provide more secure, efficient, and reliable solutions.”
Cox Automotive is a leading provider of products and services that span the global automotive ecosystem. Jason Cornell, Senior Cloud Manager, Cox Automotive said, “CloudHealth by VMware has helped us be agile and innovative by testing new ideas with limited investment. Our environment includes both data centers and the public cloud, but what we really want to focus on are our products, services, and clients. CloudHealth provides us with a consolidated view that puts everyone on the same page for things like cost estimates. We benefit from improved accuracy and less confusion – and as a result are able to efficiently model on-premises workloads for migration while freeing up employee time to focus on core operations.”
GILAI is an IT service provider to Switzerland’s disability benefits agencies, serving more than 80 percent of the country’s market. GILAI CIO, Sandro Lensi said, “Our customers can’t afford to be out of action for a day – they serve the country’s most vulnerable citizens. With VMware vRealize, we not only have increased overall availability, but built a secure network across our multi-cloud environments. When dealing with healthcare and personal data, this is of the utmost importance. My team is also working more efficiently on tasks that benefit our customers, rather than managing and maintaining our infrastructure. When dealing with a public service, efficiency, reliability and simplicity matter. We were able to achieve this with VMware.”
SugarCreek manufactures brandworthy food solutions for the nation’s largest and best-known brands. Todd Pugh, CIO, SugarCreek said, “VMware Cloud on Dell EMC is a game-changing solution that enables our organization to deliver a cloud model for our on-premises infrastructure. As an early beta customer, we have witnessed gains in both infrastructure capability, performance, and economics. We envision VMware Cloud on Dell EMC to power our most demanding applications while modernizing our infrastructure operating model.”
VMware vSphere 6.7 Update 3, VMware vSAN 6.7 Update 3, VMware Cloud on Dell EMC, VMware Cloud Marketplace and the new Wavefront capabilities are available. VMware vRealize Operations 8.0, VMware vRealize Automation 8.0, VMware vRealize Suite 2019, CloudHealth Hybrid, and the updates to VMware Cloud on AWS will be available in Q3FY2020 which ends on November 1, 2019.
Additional Resources
- Read about what’s new in vRealize Operations 8.0
- Read about what’s new in vRealize Automation 8.0
- Read VMworld 2019: Introducing CloudHealth Hybrid by VMware
- Read about what’s new with Wavefront Enterprise Observability
- Read about the launch of VMware Cloud Marketplace
- Read about the availability of VMware Cloud on Dell EMC
- Read about what’s new in VMware Cloud on AWS
- Read about what’s new in VMware vSphere 6.7 Update 3
- Read about what’s new in VMware vSAN 6.7 Update 3
- Read the Dell Technologies Cloud Press Release
- Follow updates about VMware Cloud on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube
News at VMworld
- Read a summary of today’s news from Chris Wolf: VMworld 2019 and Our Relentless Pursuit of the Possible
- VMware Announces VMware Tanzu Portfolio to Transform the Way Enterprises Build, Run and Manage Software on Kubernetes
- VMware Unveils Innovations Across Its Industry-Leading Workspace ONE Platform to Help Organizations Grow, Expand and Transform Their Business
- VMware Cloud on AWS Helps Customers Migrate and Modernize Applications with Consistent Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure and Operations
O společnosti VMware
Software společnosti VMware je základem komplexní globální digitální infrastruktury. Její cloudová, síťová a bezpečnostní řešení a produkty pro digitální pracovní prostředí podporované širokým ekosystémem partnerů si volí zákazníci z celého světa jako základ svého dynamického a výkonného digitálního prostředí. Společnost VMware sídlí v Palo Alto v Kalifornii a jejím dlouhodobým cílem je přinášet přelomové inovace a pozitivně ovlivňovat svět. Další informace naleznete na stránkách https://www.vmware.com/company.html.