Roční výnosy 10,81 miliard USD; meziroční růst o 12 %
Výnosy z licencí a SaaS meziročně vzrostly o 52 %, což představuje ve čtvrtém čtvrtletí 18 % celkových příjmů
PRAHA / PALO ALTO, Calif., 12. března 2020 — Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), přední inovátor v oblasti podnikového softwaru, oznámila hospodářské výsledky za čtvrté čtvrtletí fiskálního roku 2020:
Kvartální přehled:
- Výnosy ve čtvrtém čtvrtletí dosáhly 3,07 miliardy USD, což představuje nárůst o 11 % oproti čtvrtému kvartálu fiskálního roku 2019.
- Výnosy z prodeje licencí, SaaS a předplatného činily 1,59 miliard USD, což představuje nárůst o 14 % oproti stejnému období fiskálního roku 2019.
- Příjmy z předplatného a SaaS za čtvrté čtvrtletí činily 556 milionů USD, což je meziroční nárůst o 52 %.
- Čistý zisk podle GAAP dosáhl ve čtvrtém čtvrtletí 321 milionů USD, neboli 0,76 USD na akcii, v porovnání s 496 miliony USD, čili 1,17 USD za akcii ve stejném období fiskálního roku 2019. Čistý zisk bez vlivu metodiky GAAP za čtvrtý kvartál činil 868 milionů USD, neboli 2,05 USD za akcii, což představuje 9% nárůst na akcii v porovnání s 795 miliony USD, neboli 1,87 USD na akcii za čtvrtý kvartál fiskálního roku 2019.
- Provozní zisk podle GAAP za čtvrté čtvrtletí byl 250 milionů USD, což představuje pokles o 58 % oproti stejnému období fiskálního roku 2019. Provozní zisk za čtvrtý kvartál bez vlivu metodiky GAAP dosáhl 1,05 miliard USD, což představuje nárůst o 12 % oproti stejnému období fiskálního roku 2019.
- Cash flow z provozní činnosti v čtvrtém čtvrtletí činilo 1,09 miliard USD. Volný peněžní tok za čtvrtý kvartál byl 1,02 miliard USD.
- Celkové výnosy plus sekvenční změny výše výnosů příštích období vzrostly meziročně o 11 %.
- Výnosy z prodeje licencí, předplatného a SaaS plus sekvenční změny výše výnosů příštích období z prodeje licencí, předplatného a SaaS vzrostly meziročně o 17 %.
Roční přehled:
- Výnosy ve fiskálním roku 2020 dosáhly 10,81 miliardy USD, což představuje nárůst o 12 % oproti fiskálnímu roku 2019.
- Výnosy z kombinace předplatného, SaaS a licencí za fiskální rok 2020 činily 5,06 miliard USD, což představuje nárůst o 16 % oproti fiskálnímu roku 2019.
- Příjmy z předplatného a SaaS za fiskální rok 2020 činily 1,88 miliard USD, což je meziroční nárůst o 44 %.
- Čistý zisk podle GAAP dosáhl ve fiskálním roce 2020 6,41 miliard USD, neboli 15,08 USD na akcii, v porovnání s 1,65 miliard USD, čili 3,95 USD za akcii ve fiskálním roce 2019. Čistý zisk bez vlivu metodiky GAAP za fiskální rok 2020 činil 2,66 miliard USD, neboli 6,24 USD za akcii, což představuje 4% nárůst na akcii v porovnání s 2,52 miliardami USD, neboli 5,98 USD na akcii za fiskální rok 2019.
- Provozní zisk podle GAAP za fiskální rok 2020 byl 1,44 miliard USD, což představuje pokles o 20 % oproti fiskálnímu roku 2019. Provozní zisk za fiskální rok 2020 bez vlivu metodiky GAAP dosáhl 3,26 miliard USD, což představuje nárůst o 11 % oproti fiskálnímu roku 2019.
- Cash flow z provozní činnosti za fiskální rok 2020 činilo 3,87 miliard USD. Volný peněžní tok za fiskální rok 2020 byl 3,59 miliard USD.
- K 31. lednu 2020 činila hotovost 2,91 miliardy USD a výnosy příštího období 9,27 miliardy USD.
„Společnost VMware dosáhla ve fiskálním roce 2020 poprvé v historii příjmu přes 10 miliard USD a pokračuje v dvouciferném nárůstu,“ řekl Pat Gelsinger, generální ředitel společnosti VMware. „Naše výsledky ukazují sílu našeho širokého portfolia a strategii, která je v souladu s potřebami našich zákazníků.”
„Ve 4. čtvrtletí jsme podepsali rekordní počet kontraktů nad 10 milionů dolarů, včetně výrazného zvýšení hodnoty předplatného a nabídky SaaS v hlavních deseti kontraktech,“ řekl Zane Rowe, výkonný viceprezident a finanční ředitel společnosti VMware. „Příjmy z předplatného a SaaS vzrostly ve čtvrtém čtvrtletí meziročně o 52 % na 556 milionů USD a očekává se, že budou ve výrazném růstu pokračovat i ve fiskálním roce 2021.”
Dále pokračuje tisková zpráva v angličtině:
Growth rates in Q4 results include the recast of prior period financial information due to the Pivotal acquisition, which was accounted for as a transaction between entities under common control in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Effective with the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2020, VMware is presenting a new revenue line item in its earnings reports entitled “subscription and SaaS revenue.” Accordingly, reported revenue consists of the following three components: license, subscription and SaaS, and services. Previously, subscription and SaaS revenue was referred to as “hybrid cloud subscription and SaaS revenue” and was allocated between license and services revenue. The cost of subscription and SaaS revenue was included in both cost of license revenue and cost of services revenue in prior periods and has been reclassified to conform with current period presentation.
To assist investors in their understanding of the impact of (1) combined Pivotal with VMware results in the recast financial statements and (2) reclassifying revenue from two to three categories, the company has posted a slide deck on its Investor Relations webpage at The slide deck details the impact of Pivotal adjustments and the reclassification of revenues on VMware’s fourth quarter of fiscal 2020 results to enable investors to compare VMware’s performance in the quarter to the fourth quarter guidance that VMware provided on its previous quarter earnings call on November 26, 2019, which excluded Pivotal, as the acquisition had not been completed at that time, and did not separate out subscription and SaaS revenue. The slide deck also includes a similar comparison of VMware’s full year fiscal 2020 cash flows to November 26, 2019 guidance and a tabular summary of the differences in key metrics between VMware’s financial statements as previously reported and as recast for the seven fiscal quarters beginning with the first quarter of fiscal 2019 and for full year fiscal 2019.
Business Highlights & Strategic Announcements
- VMware completed the acquisition of Pivotal on December 30, 2019. The combination of Pivotal’s developer-centric offerings with VMware’s upstream Kubernetes run-time infrastructure and management tools will allow VMware to deliver a comprehensive enterprise solution that enables dramatic improvements in developer productivity in the creation of modern applications.
- At the RSA Conference, VMware advanced its Intrinsic Security Strategy for the world’s digital infrastructure by announcing “VMware Advanced Security for Cloud Foundation,” a new security suite that enables customers to replace legacy security solutions and deliver unified protection across private and public clouds. Product update announcements also included enhancements to the VMware Carbon Black Cloud and VMware Secure State.
- VMware showcased how communications service providers (CSPs) across the world—including Millicom, Singtel, Telecom Italia, Telia Company and TIM Brasil—are adopting VMware’s Telco Cloud platform to accelerate time to revenue, automate service lifecycle and simplify operations management. VMware also unveiled new capabilities across its Telco and Edge Cloud product portfolio, including innovations to its telco cloud core, edge and RAN offerings.
- VMware acquired Nyansa, which enables VMware to deliver an end-to-end network visibility, monitoring and remediation solution within VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud that can proactively predict client problems, optimize application and network performance and better assure the behavior of critical IoT devices.
- In the fourth quarter, VMware received further recognition from leading industry analysts:
- VMware was positioned as a leader in The Forrester Wave™: Unified Endpoint Management, Q4 2019, which evaluated 13 unified endpoint management (UEM) vendors. VMware’s intelligence-driven digital workspace platform, VMware Workspace ONE, was top ranked in the current offering and strategy categories. The platform also received the highest possible score in the product roadmap, roadmap execution, and partner ecosystem criteria, as well as in all of the report’s market presence criteria (i.e., customer count, Windows 10 customer count, devices under management, and revenue).1
- VMware was positioned as a leader in three recent IDC MarketScape reports related to the End-User Computing (EUC) space.2
Recast Financial Statements and Addition of Subscription and SaaS Revenue Line item
On December 30, 2019, VMware completed its acquisition of Pivotal. As Pivotal was an entity under common control, pursuant to GAAP, financial statements for prior periods are required to be recast as if the entities were combined for all periods presented. Recast quarterly results on a GAAP and non-GAAP basis, consolidated statements of income and key cash flow metrics for fiscal year 2019 and fiscal year 2020 are included in this earnings press release. All comparisons of fiscal year and fourth quarter 2020 financial metrics to prior periods in this press release are comparisons to the recast financial metrics for the respective prior period.
To assist investors in their understanding of the impact of combining Pivotal with VMware results in the recast financial statements on prior periods and to compare current results to the financial results originally reported for prior periods, VMware is including tables attached to this press release showing the impact of Pivotal adjustments on its previously reported (1) GAAP and non-GAAP net income for each fiscal quarter for fiscal years 2019 and 2020 and for fiscal years 2019 and 2018; (2) fiscal year 2019 balance sheet; and (3) GAAP cash flows from operating activities and free cash flows for each fiscal quarter for fiscal years 2019 and 2020 and for fiscal years 2019 and 2018.
Additionally, effective with the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2020, VMware is presenting a new revenue line item in its earnings reports entitled “subscription and SaaS revenue.” Accordingly, reported revenue consists of the following three components: license, subscription and SaaS, and services. Previously, subscription and SaaS revenue was referred to as “hybrid cloud subscription and SaaS revenue” and was allocated between license and services revenue. In light of VMware’s recent acquisitions, management determined that revenue recognized from subscription and SaaS offerings will be presented separately. The new subscription and SaaS revenue line item includes revenue from VMware’s VCPP cloud offerings that are billed to customers on a consumption basis, revenue from Pivotal and other offerings that are billed on a subscription basis as well as revenue from SaaS offerings such as Workspace ONE and VMware Cloud on AWS. Revenue from prior periods has been reclassified to conform to the fourth quarter fiscal year 2020 presentation and is reflected in the recast quarterly financial statements for fiscal years 2019 and 2020 included in the tables accompanying this earnings press release.
The company will host a conference call today at 1:30 p.m. PT/ 4:30 p.m. ET to review financial results and business outlook. A live web broadcast of the event will be available on the VMware investor relations website at Slides will accompany the web broadcast. The replay of the webcast and slides will be available on the website for two months. In addition, six quarters of historical data for unearned revenue will also be made available at in conjunction with the conference call.
“The Forrester Wave™: Unified Endpoint Management, Q4 2019”
2 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Unified Endpoint Management Software 2019–2020 Vendor Assessment (doc # US45355119, November 2019); IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Enterprise Mobility Management Software 2019-2020 Vendor Assessment (doc # US45353719, November 2019); and IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Enterprise Mobility Management Software for Ruggedized/IoT Device Deployments 2019–2020 Vendor Assessment (Doc #US45353819, November 2019)
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About VMware
VMware software powers the world’s complex digital infrastructure. The company’s cloud, app modernization, networking, security, and digital workspace offerings help customers deliver any application on any cloud across any device. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, VMware is committed to being a force for good, from its breakthrough technology innovations to its global impact. For more information, please visit
Additional Information
VMware’s website is located at, and its investor relations website is located at VMware’s goal is to maintain the investor relations website as a portal through which investors can easily find or navigate to pertinent information about VMware, all of which is made available free of charge. The additional information includes: materials that VMware files with the SEC; announcements of investor conferences, speeches and events at which its executives talk about its products, services and competitive strategies; webcasts of its quarterly earnings calls, investor conferences and events (archives of which are also available for a limited time); additional information on its financial metrics, including reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures; press releases on quarterly earnings, product and service announcements, legal developments and international news; corporate governance information; other news, blogs and announcements that VMware may post from time to time that investors may find useful or interesting; and opportunities to sign up for email alerts and RSS feeds to have information pushed in real time.
VMware, Pivotal, VMware Advances Security, Carbon Black, VMware Secure State, Nyansa, VeloCloud, Workspace ONE, and VMware Cloud are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective organizations.
Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to VMware’s financial results as determined in accordance with GAAP are included at the end of this press release following the accompanying financial data. For a description of these non-GAAP financial measures, including the reasons management uses each measure, please see the section of the tables titled “About Non-GAAP Financial Measures.”
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements including, among other things, statements regarding expected benefits to customers of VMware’s acquisitions of Pivotal and Nyansa, as well as products, solutions and services, including in areas of modern applications, security, telco and edge cloud, and VMware SD-WAN by Velocloud. These forward-looking statements are subject to the safe harbor provisions created by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of certain risk factors, including but not limited to: (1) adverse changes in general economic or market conditions; (2) delays or reductions in consumer, government and information technology spending; (3) competitive factors, including but not limited to pricing pressures, industry consolidation, entry of new competitors into the virtualization software and cloud, end user and mobile computing, and security industries, as well as new product and marketing initiatives by VMware’s competitors; (4) the ability to successfully integrate into VMware acquired companies and assets and smoothly transition services related to divested assets from VMware; (5) rapid technological changes in the virtualization software and cloud, end user, security and mobile computing industries; (6) VMware’s customers’ ability to transition to new products, platforms, services, solutions and computing strategies in such areas as containerization, modern applications, intrinsic security and networking, cloud, digital workspaces, virtualization and the software defined data center, and the uncertainty of their acceptance of emerging technology; (7) VMware’s ability to enter into, maintain and extend strategically effective partnerships and alliances; (8) the continued risk of litigation and regulatory actions, including those related to the Carbon Black and Pivotal acquisitions; (9) VMware’s ability to protect its proprietary technology; (10) changes to product and service development timelines; (11) VMware’s relationship with Dell Technologies and Dell’s ability to control matters requiring stockholder approval, including the election of VMware’s board members and matters relating to Dell’s investment in VMware; (12) VMware’s ability to attract and retain highly qualified employees; (13) the ability of VMware to realize synergies from Dell; (14) risks associated with cyber-attacks, information security and privacy; (15) disruptions resulting from key management changes; (16) risks associated with international sales such as fluctuating currency exchange rates and increased trade barriers; (17) changes in VMware’s financial condition; (18) geopolitical changes such as Brexit and increased tariffs and trade barriers that could adversely impact our non-U.S. sales; and (19) other business effects, including those related to industry, market, economic, political, regulatory and global health conditions, such as the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release, are based on current expectations and are subject to uncertainties and changes in condition, significance, value and effect as well as other risks detailed in documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including VMware’s most recent reports on Form 10-K and Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8- K that we may file from time to time, which could cause actual results to vary from expectations. VMware assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update any such forward-looking statements after the date of this release.