Celkové výnosy meziročně vzrostly o 11 %
Výnosy z předplatného a SaaS dosáhly 3,31 miliard USD a vzrostly meziročně o 25 %
PRAHA / PALO ALTO, Calif., 29. listopadu 2021 — Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), přední inovátor v oblasti podnikového softwaru, oznámila hospodářské výsledky za třetí čtvrtletí fiskálního roku 2022:
- Výnosy ve třetím čtvrtletí dosáhly 3,19 miliardy USD, což představuje nárůst o 11 % oproti třetímu kvartálu fiskálního roku 2021.
- Výnosy z prodeje licencí, SaaS a předplatného činily 1,53 miliard USD, což představuje nárůst o 16 % oproti stejnému období fiskálního roku 2021.
- Výnosy z předplatného a SaaS za třetí čtvrtletí činily 820 milionů USD, což je meziroční nárůst o 21 %.
- Roční obrat z pravidelných výnosů (ARR) z předplatného a SaaS za třetí čtvrtletí činil 3,31 miliard USD, což znamená meziroční nárůst o 25 %.
- Čistý zisk podle GAAP dosáhl ve třetím čtvrtletí 398 milionů USD, neboli 0,94 USD na akcii, což představuje 8% pokles v porovnání s 434 miliony USD, čili 1,02 USD na akcii ve stejném období fiskálního roku 2021. Čistý zisk bez vlivu metodiky GAAP za třetí kvartál činil 725 milionů USD, neboli 1,72 USD za akcii, což představuje nárůst 3 % na akcii v porovnání se 704 miliony USD, neboli 1,66 USD na akcii za třetí kvartál fiskálního roku 2021.
- Provozní zisk podle GAAP za třetí čtvrtletí byl 519 milionů USD, což představuje růst o 21 % oproti stejnému období fiskálního roku 2021. Provozní zisk za třetí kvartál bez vlivu metodiky GAAP dosáhl 935 milionů USD, což představuje vzestup o 5 % oproti stejnému období fiskálního roku 2021.
- Cash flow z provozní činnosti ve třetím čtvrtletí činilo 1,09 miliardy USD. Volný peněžní tok za třetí kvartál byl 984 milionů USD.
„Těší nás, že jsme ve třetím čtvrtletí dosáhli dobrých výsledků. Na veletrhu VMworld se nám podařilo představit množství novinek a ukázat, jak pomáháme zákazníkům transformovat jejich podnikání. Předvedli jsme, že nás motor našich inovací žene úspěšně vpřed,“ řekl Raghu Raghuram, generální ředitel společnosti VMware. „Naším posláním je být důvěryhodným softwarovým základem, který urychluje inovace našich zákazníků bez jakýchkoliv kompromisů. Jsme odhodláni pomáhat organizacím plně využívat potenciál multi-cloudu.“
„Ve třetím čtvrtletí jsme pokračovali ve zdravém růstu tržeb a ziskovosti, přičemž tržby z předplatného a SaaS vzrostly meziročně o 25 % na 3,3 miliardy USD,“ řekl Zane Rowe, výkonný viceprezident a finanční ředitel společnosti VMware. „Naše výsledky ve třetím čtvrtletí odrážejí silný meziroční růst v hlavních kategoriích produktů, jelikož našim zákazníkům nabízíme přesvědčivou kvalitu.“
Dále pokračuje tisková zpráva v angličtině:
Business Highlights & Strategic Announcements:
- At VMworld 2021, the company articulated its strategy to help customers navigate the multi-cloud era with VMware Cross-Cloud services. This family of integrated services will help deliver a faster and smarter path to cloud for digital businesses. Announcements included:
- New advancements in VMware Cloud, the industry’s first and only cloud-agnostic computing infrastructure that enables customers to move their apps to the cloud quickly and efficiently.
- The VMware Sovereign Cloud initiative, where VMware is partnering across its VMware Cloud Provider Partners to deliver cloud services on sovereign digital infrastructure to customers in regulated industries.
- Advancements to the VMware Tanzu portfolio, including Tanzu Application Platform, currently in beta, which delivers a superior developer experience for enterprises building and deploying apps and APIs on any Kubernetes.
- The introduction of VMware Edge, a product portfolio that will enable organizations to run, manage and better secure edge-native apps across multiple clouds, anywhere.
- VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud (US) achieved FedRAMP Agency Authority to Operate at the High Impact Level. FedRAMP is a mandatory U.S. government-wide program that provides a standardized approach and baseline requirements for security assessment, authorization and monitoring of cloud products.
- VMware unveiled enhancements to its Telco Cloud Platform designed to help service providers speed their multi-cloud transformation, as well as several updates to its Radio Access Network (RAN) portfolio of products and introduced VMware RAN Intelligent Controller.
- The Company announced a collaboration with eero, an Amazon company, on work-from-home capabilities that will boost remote network connectivity while extending critical security services to devices connecting to an at-home corporate network.
- In the third quarter, VMware received recognition from leading industry analyst firms:
- VMware was positioned as a Leader in “The Forrester New Wave™: Zero Trust Network Access, Q3, 2021.“1
- VMware was also once again named a Leader in the August 2021 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Unified Endpoint Management Tools, August 2021.2
- VMware once again was named a Leader in the September 2021 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for WAN Edge Infrastructure, September 2021.3
- VMware was once again ranked No. 1 in the September 2021 IDC report, “Worldwide Cloud System and Service Management Software Market Shares, 2020: Growth Continues for Top Vendors.”4
- VMware joined the Valuable 500, as part of its commitment to diversity inclusion. The Valuable 500 is a global business collective that is igniting systemic change and unlocking the business, social and economic value of more than 1 billion people with disabilities around the world.
- VMware received recognition for its ESG leadership by being invited to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) and Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index (DJSI North America)—one of the world’s leading ESG benchmarks—for the second consecutive year.
1 Forrester, The Forrester New Wave™: Zero Trust Network Access, Q3, 2021, August 24, 2021
2 Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Unified Endpoint Management Tools, 16 August 2021
3 Gartner, Magic Quadrant for WAN Edge Infrastructure, 20 September 2021
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Gartner and Magic Quadrant are registered trademarks and service marks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
4 IDC, Worldwide Cloud System and Service Management Software Market Shares, 2021: Growth Continues for Top Vendors, #US48074121, September 2021
The company will host a conference call today at 1:30 p.m. PT/ 4:30 p.m. ET to review financial results and business outlook. A live web broadcast of the event will be available on the VMware investor relations website at ir.vmware.com. Slides will accompany the web broadcast. The replay of the webcast and slides will be available on the website for two months. In addition, six quarters of historical data for unearned revenue will also be made available at ir.vmware.com in conjunction with the conference call.
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About VMware
VMware is a leading provider of multi-cloud services for all apps, enabling digital innovation with enterprise control. As a trusted foundation to accelerate innovation, VMware software gives businesses the flexibility and choice they need to build the future. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, VMware is committed to building a better future through the company’s 2030 Agenda. For more information, please visit vmware.com.
Additional Information
VMware’s website is located at vmware.com, and its investor relations website is located at ir.vmware.com. VMware’s goal is to maintain the investor relations website as a portal through which investors can easily find or navigate to pertinent information about VMware, all of which is made available free of charge. The additional information includes: materials that VMware files with the SEC; announcements of investor conferences, speeches and events at which its executives talk about its products, services and competitive strategies; webcasts of its quarterly earnings calls, investor conferences and events (archives of which are also available for a limited time); additional information on its financial metrics, including reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures; press releases on quarterly earnings, product and service announcements, legal developments and international news; corporate governance information; ESG (environmental, social and governance) information; other news, blogs and announcements that VMware may post from time to time that investors may find useful or interesting; and opportunities to sign up for email alerts and RSS feeds to have information pushed in real time.
VMware, VMworld, and Tanzu are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective organizations.
Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to VMware’s financial results as determined in accordance with GAAP are included at the end of this press release following the accompanying financial data. For a description of these non-GAAP financial measures, including the reasons management uses each measure, please see the section of the tables titled “About Non-GAAP Financial Measures.”
Annual Recurring Revenue (“ARR”)
ARR is an operating measure VMware uses to assess the strength of the Company’s subscription and SaaS offerings. ARR is a performance metric and should be viewed independently of, and not as a substitute for or combined with, revenue and unearned revenue. ARR represents the annualized value of VMware’s committed customer subscription and SaaS contracts as of the end of the reporting period, assuming any contract that expires during the next 12 months is renewed on its existing terms, except that, for consumption-based subscription and SaaS offerings, ARR represents the annualized quarterly revenue based on revenue recognized for the current reporting period.