VMware pomáhá partnerům využít příležitosti, které nabízí softwarově definovaná datová centra

Las Vegas/Praha, 28. února 2013 – Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), globální lídr v oblasti virtualizačních řešení a cloudové infrastruktury, představila na konferenci VMware Partner Exchange 2013 řadu programů, motivačních systémů a výhod, které umožní komunitě partnerů VMware poskytovat kompletní virtualizační, cloudová a mobilní řešení zjednodušující celou IT infrastrukturu od datových center až po mobilní pracovní prostor. (TZ)

Konference VMware Partner Exchange 2013 se dle očekávání zúčastní přes 4000 návštěvníků a více než 95 sponzorů a vystavovatelů. Světoví IT experti zde získají nejnovější informace o virtualizačních, cloudových a mobilních technologiích VMware, které si zároveň mohou vyzkoušet v rámci více než dvaceti praktických ukázek.

„S tím, jak se softwarově definovaná datová centra postupně začínají prosazovat na trhu, zdvojnásobujeme množství programů a motivačních systémů určených našim partnerům, a vytváříme tak významné dlouhodobé příležitosti pro doručování nové generace IT řešení zákazníkům,“ uvedl Michal Stachník, country manager pro Českou republiku a Slovensko ve společnosti VMware. „VMware Partner Exchange 2013 umožňuje partnerům rozšířit si znalosti o cloudových a virtualizačních řešeních společnosti VMware, včetně produktů VMware vCloud® Suite a VMware HorizonTM Suite, a zároveň se dozvědět o nových způsobech rozvoje podnikání, zvětšení objemu zakázek a posílení konkurenční výhody.“

 Dále pokračuje znění tiskové zprávy v angličtině:

VMware Cloud Credits Purchasing Program Offers New Revenue Opportunities for Solution Providers, Customer Pipeline for Service Providers

VMware is introducing the Cloud Credits Purchasing Program, which offers solution providers a new route to market by selling prepaid credits to be used for subscription-based hybrid or public cloud services offered by authorized VMware vCloud® service provider partners.

As the cornerstone of VMware’s hybrid cloud strategy, VMware service providers deliver globally consistent enterprise-class cloud computing infrastructure services built on VMware vCloud technology.

As customers continue to take advantage of public and hybrid cloud services as a comprehensive IT strategy, the ability to control spend and manage providers effectively has become a priority for many.

The VMware Cloud Credits Purchasing Program is a unique offering that brings the solution provider and service provider communities together, using the strengths of both partner types to create a unique value proposition for them and the customers they service. Solution providers can augment their private cloud sales with “credits” toward a public cloud service provider offering, enabling solution providers to capture upfront revenue while maintaining their trusted adviser role with customers through value-added services. Meanwhile, authorized VMware vCloud service providers can benefit from customers redeeming their Cloud Credits in exchange for cloud services based on VMware’s reliable, secure and high-performing hybrid cloud architecture.

Customers can easily manage their VMware Cloud Credits in MyVMware ™, while reporting is available to solution providers through Partner Central. VMware Cloud Credits will be available in March 2013.

New Incentives for Solution Providers

VMware is also offering new incentives for the recently introduced VMware vSphere® with Operations Management, which brings together the industry-leading virtualization platform with the company’s award-winning VMware vCenter ™ Operations Management Suite™, giving customers greater operational insight into VMware vSphere while optimizing capacity.

For a limited time, VMware is offering an advantage+ Accelerator, which adds an additional upfront discount on eligible VMware vSphere with Operations Management SKUs. In addition, attaining the VMware Management Competency allows partners to earn additional rewards on VMware vSphere with Operations Management sales through VMware’s Solution Rewards program.

VMware continues to invest in helping partners deliver the software-defined datacenter based on the VMware vCloud Suite. To take full advantage of the opportunities VMware vCloud Suite affords, VMware offers enhanced Solution Rewards opportunities to partners that achieve all five of VMware’s data-center- and infrastructure-focused competencies, as well as customized professional services IP to help build and deliver packaged or customized services.

VMware also continues to offer robust incentives for delivering end-user computing solutions that help partners capitalize on end-user computing and information mobility trends. The recently announced VMware Horizon Suite will bring together VMware® Horizon Workspace™, VMware® Horizon Mirage™ and VMware® Horizon View™ into an integrated and secure solution that helps customers access data from the device of their choice. Combined with the Desktop Competency, partners who sell Horizon Suite can gain additional Solution Rewards and increase sales by as much as 11x or more with add-on services, hardware and software.

New Enablement Program and Secure Social Platform for Partner-to-Partner Collaboration

VMware Role-Based Learning Paths comprise the next evolution of VMware enablement training to help partners create or continue along their enablement journey.

With VMware Role-Based Learning Paths, partners can create customized learning paths based on their role, partner type and market segment. VMware Role-Based Learning Paths provide solution providers with an optimized path, as well as the opportunity to earn VMware Accreditation badges, which help recognize and differentiate solution providers’ expertise to customers while aligning to the goals and requirements of customers.
VMware Partner Link is a secure social media and communication platform that helps foster and develop greater partner-to-partner collaboration. Available to all partners with access to Partner Central, Partner Link helps connect partners so they can share expertise, ideas and resources available from the expansive VMware Partner Network community.

Additionally, this platform will also connect partners with VMware subject matter experts who can answer their inquiries and will also share relevant news and information.
VMware Partner Community Showcases Strong 2012 with Growth, Certifications, Accreditations

VMware continues to see momentum across its broad set of partnering programs:
VMware Partner University: Approximately 200,000 individuals from VMware Partner companies received training in 2012.

Solution Competencies: Nearly 21,000 have individuals completed accreditations toward achieving at least one Solution Competency:  Infrastructure Virtualization, Business Continuity, Desktop Virtualization, Cloud IaaS, Virtualization for Business Critical

Applications, and Management.

VMware Sales Professional (VSP): To date, over 75,000 individuals have earned a VMware Sales Professional (VSP) accreditation globally.

VMware Technical Solutions Professional (VTSP): To date, over 57,000 individuals have earned a VMware Technical Solutions Professional (VTSP) accreditations globally.

Technical Certifications:

Nearly 40,000 individuals have earned VMware Certified Professional (VCP) certifications globally.

Over 650 individuals achieved the VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP) certificate globally, demonstrating increasing demand for advanced certifications
vmLIVE: More than 80,025 individuals attended the online training webinars in 2012.
SolutionTrack and TechExpress: Nearly 4,000 individuals attended these free in-person and online trainings. VMware Service Provider Program: Currently, VMware has more than 10,000 VMware service providers covering VMware-based cloud services in 157 countries.

Consulting and Integration Partner Program (CIPP): Announced at VMware Partner Exchange 2012, the VMware Consulting and Integration Partner Program provides practice-based technical enablement and a collaborative approach to field engagement. At the close of 2012, VMware added more than 250 partners, strengthening this ecosystem to more than 400 partners. Additionally, the program demonstrated a strong 2012 with sales accreditations and technical certifications:

  • A total of 1750 global certifications / accreditations for CIPP partners (49 percent growth in 2012)
  • Americas:  77 percent growth in 2012 certifications / accreditations from 2011
  • APJ:  37 percent growth in 2012 certification / accreditations from 2011
  • EMEA:  8 percent growth in 2012 certifications / accreditations from 2011
  • 436 new VMware Certified Professional certifications (65 percent growth)
  • VMware Sales Professionals / VMware Technical Sales Professionals accreditations grew to more than 1,300 accredited CIP partners (44 percent growth)

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O VMware Partner Exchange 2013

VMware Partner Exchange 2013 je hlavní globální událostí pro partnery v oblasti virtualizace a cloudu. Spojuje tisíce členů sítě partnerů VMware, aby mohli diskutovat o budoucnosti odvětví. Díky více než 200 setkáním a rozsáhlému výstavnímu pavilonu získají partneři cenný vhled do problematiky využití nových technologií pro poskytování softwarově definovaných datových center zákazníkům. Další informace o VMware Partner Exchange najdete na www.vmwarepartnerexchange.com.

O VMware

Společnost VMware je lídrem v oblasti virtualizačních řešení a cloudové infrastruktury, které umožňují firmám všech velikostí dosahovat lepších výsledků v podnikání v éře cloudu. Zákazníci se na společnost VMware spoléhají při revoluční změně způsobu jak budovat, dodávat a používat informační technologie tak, aby přesně odrážely jejich potřeby. S tržbami ve výši 4,61 miliardy USD v roce 2012 má VMware více než 480 tisíc zákazníků a 55 tisíc partnerů. Společnost sídlí v Silicon Valley a disponuje pobočkami po celém světě. Další informace najdete na www.vmware.com/cz.