BenQ představí svá obrazová řešení na veletrhu ISE 2014

Praha 20. 1. 2014 – Společnost BenQ, přední světový dodavatel inovativních řešení a technologií, se popáté v řadě stává jedním z vystavovatelů na veletrhu ISE 2014, který se letos uskuteční v termínu 4. až 6. února v Amsterodamu. (TZ)

Na tuto velkou událost chystá BenQ přivést to nejlepší ze svého portfolia. Představí komplexní obrazová řešení navržená a zkonstruovaná s jasným cílem splnit a předčit očekávání zákazníků na kvalitu, design a výkon. Kompletní škála projektorů, LCD monitorů a interaktivních panelů pro firmy, školství i domácnost bude k vidění v RAI Convention Center v hale 4 na stánku 4-S56.

„BenQ je společnost, která má svůj cíl a bere své hodnoty vážně. Náš skutečný závazek pozvednout kvalitu života ve všech hlediscích společně s nejlepším uživatelským zážitkem je to, co nás žene kupředu při vývoji komplexního profesionálního obrazového řešení. A proto jsme součástí výstavy ISE 2014,“ říká Adams Lee, ředitel BenQ Europe.

— Následuje tisková zpráva v originálním znění –

BenQ will be displaying professional display solutions in three categories at ISE:

World-Leading DLP® Projectors: Long Lasting Image Quality, Ultra-sharp and Filter-free with Breakthrough Technologies for Business, Home and Education Applications

Recognizing the ever-changing market conditions, BenQ, the #1 DLP® projector brand in the world, stays ahead of the game by delivering products and services that not only anticipate change, but drive it. For 2014, the company focuses on setting new standards for premium quality, performance, cost effectiveness and eco-friendliness for projection systems. From ultra short-throw projection to wireless display, and 3D 1080p to collaborative interactivity, the company thrives to stay ahead of trends.

Business Projector Highlights:

The MW621ST offers the highest display flexibility and uncompromised picture quality for small-sized business settings. With a short-throw projection range of 55” big picture in 1 meter, both the presenter and audience are freed from space constraints, eye-blinding projection lights and shadow disruptions. The new Wireless Display feature connects the projector to your PC, MAC, iPhone or iPad through a WiFi dongle, giving you hassle free presentation.

The SW916 opens up any space in your meeting room with a 1.6x big zoom. The impressively wide range of throw distances makes the projector a perfect fit for your original ceiling mount or projector setting, bringing the highest projector installation flexibility to all meeting rooms without adding costs to the budget list.


Education Projector Highlights:

The MW853UST marks the advance of interactive projection with Multi Screen calibration. With two MW853USTs to double the projection area and two PointWrite™ kits to work with QWrite seamlessly, teachers get doubled the teaching space. With up to 4 PointWrite™ pens supported, learning can be four times more interactive. Now with the Laser Curtain module mounted on the center top of the screen, writing can be done with up to four fingers or objects.

The PX9600 takes collaborative interactive learning to the next level with the award-winning WizeFloor – an interactive floor that promotes collective and differentiated learning styles and needs through social and kinesthetic play and physical activity. As the PX9600 projects learning games onto the floor, students can use their hands and feet to tackle the challenges together. The BenQ Interactive Floor Solution inspires teamwork, communication, motivation and creativity while building interpersonal, social and professional skills.

Home Entertainment Projector Highlights:

The W1500 is feature-packed with the latest projection technologies to give you one-of-a-kind cinematic home entertainment joy. 3D movies in 1080p will never be the same with Triple Flash 144Hz technology ensuring flawless 3D rendering, frame interpolation delivering ultra-smooth motion quality and REC709 color gamut presenting true-to-life colors. What’s more, as the world’s first home projector to feature Wireless Display, the W1500 frees you from the trouble of cables while offering extra installation flexibility with the 1.6x big zoom and lens shift features.

Digital Signage/Interactive Flat Panel: A Powerful Office and Teaching Tool for Discovering New Ideas, New Ways and New Styles of Communication and Learning

Communication, collaboration and interactivity are at the heart of business and educational environments today. Designed with safety and flexibility in mind, BenQ’s digital signage solutions and interactive flat panels, ranging from 42” to 70” in size, are easy and simple to install and use in any office or classroom to help presenters or teachers engage, communicate and interact with their audience effectively.

Education Digital Signage/Interactive Flat Panel Highlights:

The RP550+ and RP700+ feature an advanced Anti-Glare glass to effectively reduce reflection from the screen surface and eliminate visual interference from glare to prevent eye fatigue and stress, elevating the appeal of classroom activities for students. The Multi-Touch technology on the other hand gives responsive feedback with accurate positioning so you can touch the screen to pan, zoom and scroll images and operate education software presentation with just your fingers – like using a tablet.

Business Digital Signage/Interactive Flat Panel Highlights:

The PH550 and PH460 are built for unbeatable viewing experience – with a virtually invisible super narrow 5.3 to 5.4mm bezel display perfect for building seamless video walls. The Multiple Display Administrator application, which controls and monitors multiple displays remotely, makes it effortless to prevent display shut down due to surging current. The optional Color Calibration solution automatically unifies the color profile of each display on the video wall for the best-aggregated presentation through a central PC – saving time and effort.

The IL460 carries an advanced infrared (IR) design to support 6-point multi-touch display for ultra-smooth, intuitive pointing precision. Anti-image Retention prevents the burn-in effect of images even after an extended period of usage. To ensure reliability and economical durability, the IL460 has an amazing average life of 50,000 hours – enough for years of versatile 24/7 operations.

Professional LCD Monitors: Tailored Made to Fit Every Office Environment

The monitor is an integral part of a computer workstation. It’s what a majority of office workers spend the most time in front of a day. As a true solutions provider in display innovations, BenQ strives to bring people and technology closer together in natural harmony, enhancing lasting work comfort and productivity with our Eye-care concept for eyegonomic comfort and eye-pleasing visual quality, while continuing to bring new economic value of cost effectiveness and ecological considerations into the picture.

Eye-care Business Monitor Highlights:

The BL2710PT features a 27” large screen with a 2560x1440WQHD resolution to offer over 77% more work space and higher ppi compared to conventional 1920×1080 FHD monitors for stunningly precise viewing and excellent image quality. While the BL3200PT has an impressive 32” super large screen for even more viewing comfort. These monitors are standard supplied with digital cable and fall under BenQ’s Eye-care series, featuring the latest Flicker-free technology and eyegonomic modes to reduce the risk of computer eye strain and provide a better viewing experience.

Color Management Business Monitor Highlights:

The PG2401PT is designed and rigorously tested against standard printing charts and real printing house results to meet the demanding color quality expectations of art, design, photography and print-making professionals during the process of color proofing. This 24” monitor ensures the most accurate color and gray tone reproduction. It is also compliant to high industrial ISO standards for print-perfect proofing efficiency and lowered total cost of ownership, including G7, Fogra and other similar printing-industry color certifications.

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O společnosti BenQ Europe

BenQ Europe, regionální zastoupení společnosti BenQ Corporation, působí na hlavních evropských trzích včetně Rakouska, zemí Beneluxu, střední a východní Evropy, Francie, Německa, Itálie, severských zemí, Ruska, Španělska, Švýcarska a Velké Británie. V duchu hesla této značky „Bringing Enjoyment and Quality to Life“ nabízí BenQ Europe širokou škálu produktů s integrovanými technologiemi: digitální projektory, LCD monitory, LCD TV a digitální fotoaparáty. Díky spojení nadšení a profesionality, dokonalosti a realizace, péče a příspěvků je BenQ jedničkou na světovém trhu DLP® projektorů a patří mezi 3 firmy s největším podílem na trhu projektorů ve více než 22 zemích Evropy. Kromě toho je společnost BenQ Europe specialistou na LED monitory a patří mezi 5 firem s největším podílem na trhu monitorů v různých zemích.

O společnosti BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation, přední dodavatel síťových lifestyle digitálních zařízení, je všestranná společnost, která vyniká zejména v oblasti designu produktů, zobrazovacích technologií a mobilních technologií. BenQ nabízí bezkonkurenční šíři a hloubku lifestyle produktů a integrovaných technologií napříč platformami v duchu hesla značky „Bringing Enjoyment and Quality to Life“, včetně digitálních projektorů, LCD monitorů, notebooků, netbooků, All-in-One PC, LCD displejů, digitálních fotoaparátů, paměťových zařízení, čteček e-knih, mobilních telefonů, paměťových médií a zařízení standardu HID, jako jsou například myši a klávesnice.

O skupině BenQ Group

BenQ Group je v současnosti složena z nezávisle fungujících společností, které sdílejí zdroje a využívají vzájemných synergických efektů. Mezi společnosti skupiny BenQ Group patří BenQ Corporation, AU Optronics Corporation (patří mezi 3 nejlepší světové výrobce velkorozměrových TFT-LCD panelů), Qisda Corporation, Darfon Electronics Corporation, BenQ Materials Corp., BenQ Guru Software Co., BenQ Hospital, BrightView Corp., Cando Corporation, Daxin Materials Corp., Darwin Precisions, Ltd, Dazzo Technology Corp., Forhouse Corp., SiPix Imaging, Lextar Electronics Corp., Raydium Semiconductor Corp., Trident Medical Corp. a Wellypower Corp.