CEE Printing Market H1 2015 – The Great Divide

Prague, September 25, 2015 – Although the overall Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) hardcopy peripherals (HCP) market recorded its worst half-year ever in H1 2015, the more detailed picture reveals „a tale of two markets“.   (TZ)

In total, over 2.15 million printers and MFPs shipped in the CEE region in H1 2015, representing close to $580 million in market value. This is less than half the market levels recorded in H1 2008, when more than 5.6 million devices valued at over $1,449 million were shipped. According to the EMEA Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker published by International Data Corporation (IDC), shipments of printers and MFPs declined more than 26% in first half of 2015, and market value contracted by nearly 30%. The overall CEE results represent a sharp contrast to the markets of the U.S. or Western Europe (WE), where HCP shipments grew or were stable in the first half of the year in line with the recovering economy.


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