VMware a Amazon Web Services nabízí nové příležitosti partnerům
Nové schopnosti urychlují přesuny mezi cloudy a zjednodušují zavádění hybridního cloudu
Praha / PALO ALTO, Kalifornie – 15. března 2018 – Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), přední inovátor v oblasti podnikového softwaru, dnes oznámila, že služba VMware Cloud na AWS bude nově dostupná i v Evropě a nabídne nové funkce, které urychlí a usnadní migraci mezi podnikovými cloudy a zavádění hybridního cloudu. VMware a Amazon Web Services (AWS) také umožní partnerským systémovým integrátorům a poskytovatelům outsourcingu, řízených služeb a řešení rozšiřovat své cloudové nabídky o VMware Cloud na AWS a pomáhat tak svým zákazníkům využít veškeré přínosy hybridního cloudu. Další informace o službě VMware Cloud na AWS jsou k dispozici na stránkách http://cloud.vmware.com/vmc-aws.
Služba VMware Cloud na AWS spojuje to nejlepší z technologií společností VMware a AWS. Je konstruovaná tak, aby zákazníkům nabízela konzistentní a známý způsob provozování, správy a zabezpečení aplikací v hybridním cloudu. Díky konzistentnosti infrastruktury v celém hybridním cloudu získávají zákazníci větší svobodu při přesouvání aplikací mezi lokálními datovými centry založenými na technologii VMware vSphere a AWS a mohou je rychleji přesouvat mezi cloudy. Služba VMware Cloud na AWS také poskytuje přístup k širokému spektru inovativních služeb AWS včetně výpočetních, databázových, analytických, IoT, bezpečnostních, mobilních, aplikačních a dalších. Zákazníci využívající VMware Cloud na AWS mají přístup ke stejným řešením a službám pro správu cloudu, jaká znají z datového centra, tj. mohou ve veřejném cloudu využívat tytéž nástroje, aplikovat tatáž pravidla a uplatnit své zkušenosti se správou a zabezpečením důležitých podnikových aplikací.
„Od zavedení služby VMware Cloud na AWS před pouhým půlrokem jsme zaznamenali enormní zájem našich globálních zákazníků a nadnárodních podniků. Dneškem počíná naše globální expanze, kdy budeme poskytovat bezkonkurenční služby hybridního cloudu ve všech hlavních regionech světa,“ říká Mark Lohmeyer, viceprezident a generální ředitel divize cloudových platforem ve společnosti VMware. „Týmy VMware a AWS pracují na inovacích úžasným tempem a během šesti měsíců vydávají již třetí rozsáhlou aktualizaci s mnoha novými užitečnými funkcemi a možnostmi využití. Službu VMware Cloud na AWS začínají využívat zákazníci prakticky ze všech odvětví, protože jim poskytuje škálovatelný hybridní cloud s konzistentním provozem, který splňuje nejvyšší nároky na podnikové využití.“
„Zákazníci po nás požadovali zpřístupnění služby VMware Cloud na AWS v Evropě my jim dnešním dnem můžeme vyhovět. VMware a AWS společně nabízí hlubší integraci s cloudem AWS, takže zákazníci nemusí spravovat vlastní úložiště a databázové služby,“ říká Matt Garman, viceprezident AWS Compute Services. „Například společnost Scripps Network Interactive, která službu VMware Cloud na AWS využívá, ji integruje s Amazon S3 a Amazon RDS, čímž ještě více snižuje náklady a může využívat uložená data k analýzám a získávat tak kvalitnější informace pro obchodní rozhodování.“
Dále pokračuje tisková zpráva v angličtině:
Today, a broad range of customers of all sizes and across all industries including healthcare, transportation, financial services, manufacturing, oil & gas, government, education, professional services, and technology are actively using the service. Popular enterprise use cases include cloud migration, ranging from a single application to entire data centers; data center extension to satisfy cyclical capacity, extend to new geographies, or enable new application development and testing; and Disaster Recovery (DR), whether to replace legacy solutions, implement a new DR strategy, or protect additional workloads in the context of their existing DR solutions.
“VMware and VMware Cloud on AWS are the foundation of Brink’s global infrastructure,” said Greg Osgood, global vice president of Infrastructure and Security, Brinks, Inc. “This flexibility improves service levels to customers and is a key driver in Brink’s technology and business transformation. These systems allow the company to easily move workloads between its private cloud and the public cloud, providing agility for production services and disaster recovery. Using these VMware technologies, and with a partnership with Eastern Computer Exchange, Brink’s successfully consolidated its North America data center operations in 2017, and is planning to extend this model to Europe, Latin American, and Asia in 2018.”
Making Enterprise Cloud Migration Fast, Simple, and Secure for Modern Workloads
VMware and AWS continue to accelerate service innovation for VMware Cloud on AWS. VMware Cloud on AWS is making the onramp to the cloud much simpler for customers, enabling them to migrate current and new workloads to the cloud with the most functionality, greatest agility, and best security and performance – both on-premises and in the cloud. With this update, VMware is announcing:
- Mission-Critical Application Protections: New capabilities will protect applications against different types of failures, from data center and availability zone outages, to host and VM-level failures. VMware Cloud on AWS will provide Zero recovery point objective (RPO) high availability for any application across AWS Availability Zones (AZ) with Stretched Clusters for VMware Cloud on AWS. This unique service will significantly improve enterprise application availability without needing to architect it into the application, by leveraging powerful VMware infrastructure capabilities, enabling developers to focus on adding business value.
- Data-Intensive Application Enhancements: With the acceleration of big-data volumes in the cloud, data-intensive workloads can now take advantage of native VMware vSAN compression and deduplication to reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) while benefiting from the performance of all-flash storage. It is estimated that customers can cut storage costs in half for typical workloads with native vSAN deduplication and compression while reducing idle resources with elastic, on-demand compute used only when needed. As an example, a customer with typical workloads and a 150 TB storage need can save up to $1.2 million on a VMware Cloud on AWS software-defined data center (SDDC) cluster over a three-year period, based on VMware internal testing(1).
- VMware vMotion for Workload Migration: VMware vMotion between on-premises and VMware Cloud on AWS, and between hosts across clusters within a VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC is now available. VMware will also be adding vMotion between hosts in a stretched cluster across two AWS availability zones.
- Anytime, Anywhere Access to Desktops: Support for VMware Horizon will enable customers to easily deploy and run Horizon virtual desktops and applications on VMware Cloud on AWS with cloud consumption economics. VMware Horizon will enable customers to extend on-premises desktop services via the cloud without buying additional hardware, and co-locate virtual desktops or published applications near latency-sensitive applications in the cloud. Customers will be able to leverage elastic capacity as a cost-effective way to protect on-premises Horizon 7 deployments or fill temporary needs.
- Simplified Cloud Migration and Operations: VMware is making it faster and easier to setup, configure, and manage SDDC environments on VMware Cloud on AWS. Integration with AWS CloudFormation and Hashicorp Terraform enable customers to automate SDDC-level provisioning using popular and familiar DevOps tools. VMware is also introducing developer center, which is integrated into the VMware Cloud on AWS service console and offers automation experts, DevOps engineers, and developers a central portal to gain access to detailed API information, Software Development Kits, code samples, and command line interfaces. Additionally, customers will be able to accelerate initial networking configuration and improve ongoing operations with networking and security capabilities provided by VMware NSX, including Tunnel Status Monitor, Connectivity Checker, and Firewall Rule Accelerator.
Additional Support From VMware Cloud Services
VMware Cloud Services are uniquely designed to give customers the flexibility to leverage any cloud environment while providing consistent operations for how clouds are managed and secured. VMware’s growing portfolio of cloud services provides visibility, operations, automation, security, and governance across any cloud. VMware Cloud on AWS previously added support for VMware Hybrid Cloud Extension and Wavefront by VMware. In this release, VMware Cloud on AWS adds support for VMware Cost Insight and VMware Log Intelligence. Cost Insight is a software-as-a-service that enables customers to understand the true cost of migration to VMware Cloud on AWS based on real inventory data drawn from VMware vCenter. Log Intelligence enables real-time visibility into infrastructure audit logs and application logs to isolate problems quickly for faster troubleshooting. Both Cost Insight and Log Intelligence are available as a free trial to VMware Cloud on AWS customers.
Broader Access for Enterprises, New Services, and Revenue Opportunities for Partners
With the expansion of the VMware Partner Network to include VMware Cloud on AWS, enterprises now have even broader access to the cloud service and more choice in strategic IT partners to help accelerate their cloud journey. VMware enables partners to grow their hybrid cloud business with VMware Cloud on AWS through expansion of the VMware Solution Provider and VMware Cloud Provider programs that will provide partners with training, financial incentives, access to VMware expertise, and joint marketing for solutions based on VMware Cloud on AWS. Additionally, the VMware Cloud on AWS Solution Competency is now available for partners, offering the sales and technical training required to be successful selling and managing VMware Cloud on AWS. Visit VMware’s partner page to learn more about these programs.
Working with VMware, managed services provider DXC Technology will be launching one of the first new portfolios of managed services for VMware Cloud on AWS. These services will enable clients to achieve lower cost and increased flexibility by taking advantage of VMware Cloud on AWS. DXC’s managed services offerings, including application migration & transformation services, leverage the integrated VMware Hybrid Cloud stack to deliver greater agility, innovation, and cost efficiency allowing clients to realize the benefit of hybrid cloud.
Services in the AWS EU (London) region, VMware vSAN deduplication and compression, AWS CloudFormation and Hashicorp Terraform integration are all available today. Stretched Clusters for VMware Cloud on AWS, vMotion between hosts in a stretched cluster across two AWS Availability Zones, VMware Horizon support, Tunnel Status Monitor, Connectivity Checker, and Firewall Rule Accelerator are in preview(2). To view the latest status of features for VMware Cloud on AWS, visit: https://cloud.vmware.com/vmc-aws/roadmap.
Additional Resources
- Read this blog for details on what’s new with this release of VMware Cloud on AWS
- Read this blog for details about VMware Cloud on AWS channel partner programs
- Check out how VMware is enabling developers in VMware Cloud on AWS in this blog
- Learn more about VMware Cloud on AWS
- Bookmark the VMware Cloud on AWS blog
About VMware
VMware software powers the world’s complex digital infrastructure. The company’s compute, cloud, mobility, networking and security offerings provide a dynamic and efficient digital foundation to over 500,000 customers globally, aided by an ecosystem of 75,000 partners. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, this year VMware celebrates twenty years of breakthrough innovation benefiting business and society. For more information, please visit https://www.vmware.com/company.html.
- Savings calculated for a 150TB VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC cluster. Based on 3-year subscription pricing. Actual deduplication and compression storage reduction will vary based on workload and data set.
Preview: Feature(s) released in preview may not be available to all applicable customers or in all AWS regions. The information in this document is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract. There is no commitment or obligation that items in ‘Preview’, ‘’Developing’, and ‘Planning’, will become ‘Available’.