- Portfolio VMware Tanzu umožní zákazníkům budovat moderní aplikace na platformě Kubernetes a spravovat všechny své klastry z jediného místa
- Projekt Pacific umožní správcům IT a vývojářům urychlit inovace díky provozování moderních aplikací na VMware vSphere s nativními Kubernetes
PRAHA / SAN FRANCISCO / VMworld U.S. 2019 (27. srpna 2019) – Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), na konferenci VMworld 2019 představila VMware Tanzu, nové portfolio produktů a služeb, které mění způsob, jakým podniky budují, provozují a spravují software na platformě Kubernetes. Součástí nabídky je i technické preview projektu Pacific, jehož cílem je transformace VMware vSphere na nativní platformu Kubernetes v některém z budoucích vydání, a VMware Tanzu Mission Control – centrální bod, odkud zákazník může spravovat všechny své klastry Kubernetes bez ohledu na to, kde běží. Díky nedávno potvrzené konečné dohodě o převzetí společnosti Pivotal bude VMware moci dodávat nejucelenější portfolio podnikových řešení pro moderní aplikace založených na Kubernetes.
„Podniky hledají partnera, který jim pomůže řešit dnešní problémy a provede je přechodem na moderní aplikace,” říká Raghu Raghuram, provozní ředitel pro produkty a služby společnosti VMware. „VMware dokáže zákazníky podporovat na každém kroku – při budování aplikací s využitím vývojové platformy, nástrojů a služeb Pivotal, provozování aplikací pomocí revolučního projektu Pacifik, který změní vSphere na nativní platformu Kubernetes, a správě stále častěji využívaných Kubernetes v různých prostředích z jednoho místa pomocí VMware Tanzu Mission Control.“
VMware umožňuje podnikům využít potenciál Kubernetes naplno
Produkty a služby VMware Tanzu pomáhají podnikům stavět moderní aplikace, provozovat Kubernetes konzistentně v různých prostředích a centrálně spravovat všechny klastry Kubernetes z jediného místa.
Dále pokračuje tisková zpráva v angličtině:
Capabilities will span:
- Build Modern Applications with a Modern Software Supply Chain
VMware has made significant investments to offer a comprehensive portfolio of developer tools and a modern software supply chain. This will include:
- Pivotal – VMware recently announced a definitive agreement to acquire Pivotal. Pivotal offers a comprehensive platform and deep connection to the developer community. Every month, Spring Initializr is used by developers to start 1.5 million new projects, and Spring Boot is downloaded more than 75 million times. Pivotal Application Service (PAS) has more than 750,000 enterprise production instances running globally, and Pivotal has announced that PAS and its components, such as the Pivotal Build Service and Pivotal Function Service, are being developed to run on Kubernetes.
- Bitnami – Bitnami provides the largest catalog of pre-built, scanned, tested, and continuously maintained application content for Kubernetes clusters to an audience of 2.5 million developers. VMware today introduced Project Galleon—a beta offering that will enable enterprise IT to deliver customized, up-to-date application stacks and formats to their end developers, that are multi-cloud ready.
- ISV Ecosystem – VMware continues to expand its broad ISV ecosystem to offer value-add services through Kubernetes and build applications on Kubernetes that can be made available via the Bitnami Community Catalog. VMware has also significantly grown the number of partners that have completed the VMware PKS Solution Competency.
- Run Modern Apps Leveraging Kubernetes
The introduction of VMware Tanzu was anchored on the announcement of Project Pacific, focused on transforming VMware vSphere into a Kubernetes native platform—unlocking its potential for the hundreds of thousands of vSphere customers. This breakthrough re-architecture of the platform will enable enterprises to accelerate development and operation of modern apps on vSphere while continuing to take advantage of existing investments in technology, tools and skillsets. Project Pacific will deliver the following capabilities:
- vSphere with Native Kubernetes
Embedding Kubernetes into the control plane of vSphere will transform the platform—enabling it to converge containers and VMs onto a single platform. Project Pacific will also add a container runtime into the hypervisor. New ESXi native pods will combine the best properties of Kubernetes pods and VMs to help deliver a more secure and high-performance runtime for mission-critical workloads.
- App-focused Management
Project Pacific will enable app-level control for applying policies, quota and role-based access to developers. With Project Pacific, IT will have unified visibility into VMware vCenter Server for Kubernetes clusters, containers and existing VMs, as well as apply enterprise-grade capabilities such as High Availability (HA), Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), and vMotion at the app level.
- Dev and IT Ops Collaboration
IT operators will use vSphere tools to deliver Kubernetes clusters to developers, who can then use Kubernetes APIs to access SDDC infrastructure. With Project Pacific, both developers and IT operators will gain a consistent view via Kubernetes constructs in vSphere.
Enterprises that want to start down the path of Kubernetes on vSphere today can adopt VMware PKS now. VMware PKS is the company’s flagship Kubernetes offering, used by many of the largest and most complex enterprises worldwide, helping them to deploy, run and manage Kubernetes for production across multiple clouds.
- Manage Multi-cloud, Multi-cluster Infrastructure
VMware Tanzu includes a tech preview of VMware Tanzu Mission Control. With VMware Tanzu Mission Control, customers will have a single point of control to manage all their conformant Kubernetes clusters regardless of where they are running—vSphere, public clouds, managed services, packaged distributions and do-it-yourself (DIY) Kubernetes. The new service will offer broad capabilities powered by VMware’s extended product portfolio. Capabilities will include:
- Administrator Visibility of All Kubernetes Clusters
VMware Tanzu Mission Control will provide administrators with observability of all Kubernetes clusters, including assessment of cluster and component health. Customers seeking greater diagnostic or full stack detail will be able to drill directly into Wavefront by VMware via VMware Tanzu Mission Control.
- Operator Control of Policy
VMware Tanzu Mission Control will make it simple for operators to apply policies for access, quotas, back-up, security and more to individual clusters or to groups of clusters that span environments. This is consistent with VMware’s commitment to supporting customer choice in cloud, helping customers run Kubernetes everywhere.
- Developer Independence
VMware Tanzu Mission Control will enable developers to access resources via workspaces—collections of namespaces—through self-service methods, powered by Kubernetes APIs.
A core principle of the VMware Tanzu portfolio is to make best use of open source software. And so, VMware Tanzu Mission Control will leverage Cluster API for Lifecycle Management, Velero for backup/recovery, Sonobuoy for configuration control and Contour for ingress control. VMware is now a top three contributor to Kubernetes.
Supporting Quote
“While enterprises are increasingly adopting Kubernetes and cloud native infrastructure, most are early in their journey,” said 451 Research Principal Analyst Jay Lyman. “Kubernetes can help organizations achieve consistency and drive developer velocity across a variety of infrastructures, but enterprises also require effective control, policy and security capabilities. Building on its acquisitions, organic innovation and open source contributions, VMware has staked out its place as a leader in this rapidly evolving cloud-native industry.”
Additional Resources
- Read Paul Fazzone’s blog post “VMware Tanzu Completes the Modern Applications Picture”
- Read Craig McLuckie’s blog post “Introducing VMware Tanzu Mission Control to Bring Order to Cluster Chaos”
- Read Joe Beda’s blog post “Project Pacific: Kubernetes to the Core”
- Read Kit Colbert’s blog post “Introducing Project Pacific”
- Read Jared Rosoff’s blog post “Project Pacific—Technical Overview”
- Learn more about VMware Tanzu
- Learn more about Project Pacific
- Connect with VMware on Twitter and Facebook
News at VMworld
- Read a summary of today’s news from Chris Wolf: VMworld 2019 and Our Relentless Pursuit of the Possible
- VMware Delivers a Hybrid Cloud Platform Powering Next-Generation Hybrid IT
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O společnosti VMware
Software společnosti VMware je základem komplexní globální digitální infrastruktury. Její cloudová, síťová a bezpečnostní řešení a produkty pro digitální pracovní prostředí podporované širokým ekosystémem partnerů si volí zákazníci z celého světa jako základ svého dynamického a výkonného digitálního prostředí. Společnost VMware sídlí v Palo Alto v Kalifornii a jejím dlouhodobým cílem je přinášet přelomové inovace a pozitivně ovlivňovat svět. Další informace naleznete na stránkách https://www.vmware.com/company.html.