- Nové vydání VMware vSphere Platinum Edition obsahuje nástroj AppDefense, který zákazníkům umožňuje snadno a účinně zabezpečit aplikace, infrastrukturu, data a přístup
- VMware představuje aktualizaci řešení vSAN, která usnadňuje zavádění hyperkonvergované infrastruktury díky snazší správě, efektivnější infrastruktuře a rychlejšímu řešení problémů
- Nová vylepšení platformy pro cloudovou správu VMware vRealize Cloud Management Platform umožňuje vývojářům budovat bezpečnější aplikace s konzistentním provozem v libovolném cloudu
Praha / LAS VEGAS – 29. srpna 2018 – Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW) na konferenci VMworld 2018 US představila novinky ve svém portfoliu infrastrukturního a řídicího softwaru pro hybridní cloud, které zákazníkům usnadní digitální transformaci. VMware uvádí nové vydání vSphere Platinum Edition s lepšími možnostmi zabezpečení aplikací a infrastruktury, nové vydání vSAN usnadňující zavádění hyperkonvergované infrastruktury (HCI) a inovace v platformě pro cloudovou správu VMware vRealize (CMP), které zákazníkům pomohou v libovolném cloudu poskytovat infrastrukturu s bezpečnějším a konzistentnějším provozem usnadňující práci vývojářům.
VMware stojí za významnými inovacemi, které mění podobu IT a podnikových procesů, a věří, že úspěšný digitální podnik potřebuje bezpečné a flexibilní digitální základy. Interoperabilní softwarová řešení společnosti VMware pro cloud, mobilitu a zabezpečení tvoří bezpečnější a flexibilnější základy, které zákazníkům umožňují reagovat na nové příležitosti i hrozby a poskytovat libovolnou aplikaci z libovolného cloudu pro libovolné zařízení.
„Potřeby a priority našich zákazníků jsou sice velmi různorodé. My se soustředíme na takové inovace, abychom jim poskytli digitální základy, které naplní jejich budoucí potřeby v oblasti IT a zároveň jim pomohou získat maximální užitek ze stávající infrastruktury,“ říká Rajiv Ramaswami, provozní ředitel společnosti VMware pro produkty a cloudové služby. „Neustále investujeme do vývoje infrastrukturního softwaru pro výpočetní, síťové a úložné zdroje a jejich správu, na který se mohou zákazníci spolehnout, a který bude bezpečněji a efektivněji sloužit jejich aplikacím, datům, pracovníkům a procesům a podporovat jejich obchodní rozvoj po desítky let.“
Dále tisková zpráva pokračuje v angličtině:
vSphere Platinum to Deliver Integrated Application Security
As both security threats and regulatory pressure to control risks increase, organizations are moving from point security tools to embedded infrastructure solutions. To help businesses address these threats, VMware will introduce vSphere Platinum Edition to deliver comprehensive, intrinsic security to protect applications, infrastructure, data and access across customers’ digital foundations. This new edition will combine vSphere’s native security capabilities with VMware AppDefense – resulting in the delivery of advanced application security features fully integrated into the hypervisor. Using machine learning and behavioral analytics, the new solution will enable vSphere administrators to deliver more secure applications and infrastructure by enabling virtual machines (VMs) to run in a “known good” state. It will offer direct visibility into VM intent and application behavior as well as fast and more accurate threat detection and response capabilities. This will enable vSphere admins and security teams to better collaborate to protect the business. To provide a fast path for on-premises vSphere customers to get started with VMware Cloud on Amazon Web Services (AWS), customers that purchase a minimum of five vSphere Platinum Edition licenses will also be eligible to receive credits that can be applied against the service.
VMware will also unveil vSphere 6.7 Update 1 which will deliver new features and enhancements, most notably the fully-featured HTML5-based vSphere Client to help admins manage their virtual infrastructure. Additionally, vSphere 6.7 Update 1 will increase support for intelligent workloads by introducing vMotion and snapshot capabilities for NVIDIA Quadro vDWS powered VMs. This will enable admins to migrate vGPU-powered VMs to other compatible hosts while performing maintenance operations to completely eliminate any disruption to end-users and their applications.
VMware Eases HCI Adoption with New vSAN 6.7 Update 1
VMware will launch vSAN 6.7 Update 1 to make it easier for customers to adopt HCI through simplified operations, efficient infrastructure and rapid support resolution. The new release will reduce maintenance operations time with built-in intelligence capabilities. It will also enable admins to spin up new HCI clusters faster than ever by introducing a “Quickstart” guided cluster creation and extension wizard that guides the user through the deployment process for both vSAN and non-vSAN clusters. The new release will deliver improved efficiency due to automated capacity reclamation and will help admins anticipate data needs with new predictive tools. vSAN 6.7 Update 1 will also decrease time-to-resolution with granular diagnostic tools and historical data to better support HCI environments. Additionally, VMware continues to invest in new areas of HCI innovation by unveiling a new private beta program for vSAN to gather feedback on potential ways to further simplify the data center through native data protection, file services, and cloud-native storage capabilities. To request access to the private beta, go here.
vRealize to Deliver Self-Driving Operations and Developer-Friendly Infrastructure
VMware will unveil new releases across its comprehensive vRealize Cloud Management Platform to help customers automate and standardize how their digital foundation is operated across hybrid cloud environments and consumed by developers for VM- and container-based application development. The platform helps customers address three key use cases: self-driving operations, programmable provisioning, and application operations.
vRealize Operations 7.0 will augment self-driving capabilities by introducing automated host-based placement driven by business intent. This feature will help customers control workload placement both within and across clusters to save costs and capacity or to assure performance.
Additional new and enhanced capabilities for fully automated performance optimization, right-sizing workflows, capacity planning, enhancements to UI and dashboard creation in vRealize Operations 7.0 will further enable customers to adopt a ‘self-driving’ approach to monitor and manage their data centers and cloud environments. This release will also provide full integration between vRealize Operations 7.0 and the new vRealize Automation 7.5 for initial and ongoing placement of workloads across clusters based on operational and business intent (e.g., utilization, compliance, license cost).
vRealize Automation 7.5 will help customers adopt a programmable provisioning and application operations approach to deliver developer-friendly infrastructure. With a new UI, vRealize Automation 7.5 will enhance configuration management use cases with Ansible Tower integration and offer Kubernetes cluster management via VMware Pivotal Container Service (PKS) integration. vRealize Automation 7.5 will also feature enhanced AWS and Azure support, enabling IT to better serve broader developer team skill sets and application types.
VMware will also announce vRealize Suite 2018 to provide enterprises with enhanced agility, efficiency, and control across both traditional and cloud-native applications on- and off-prem. The suite’s vRealize Lifecycle Manager 2.0 will enable a DevOps approach for managing the CMP across its lifecycle, making private cloud easier to operate and consume. Additional new features will include certificate management, content support for vRealize Operations including dashboards, monitors, reports and alerts, and simultaneous release of content across the full vRealize Suite.
VMware NSX and Virtual Cloud Networking Connect and Protect Apps, Data, and Users
A digital business demands a new type of network – a Virtual Cloud Network – that connects and protects applications, data, and users wherever they are located, independent of the underlying cloud or physical infrastructure. The VMware NSX networking and security portfolio delivers consistent, pervasive connectivity and security for apps and data across software-defined data center, branch, cloud, and telco environments, and empowers customers to build a Virtual Cloud Network today through a software-based digital business fabric that is open, programmable, and inherently more secure.
VMware has now extended NSX multi-cloud networking and security to more clouds and environments, with support for workloads running in AWS, Azure, VMware Cloud on AWS, and on-premises software-defined data centers, and both Linux-based and containerized workloads running on bare-metal servers without a hypervisor. With new support for NSX-T Data Center in vRealize Network Insight 3.9, customers can accelerate micro-segmentation planning and deployment, plan application migration, and gain operational views to manage scale and compliance for VMware NSX deployments across clouds. This solution is available as both on-premises software and as a SaaS offering, with full feature parity across both versions. Read this news release for more details on the VMware NSX updates.
VMware Skyline Bolsters Proactive Support with New Features & Availability
VMware announced new features and broadened availability to VMware Skyline, its innovative proactive support technology to help customers operate VMware environments with increased reliability, security, and performance. Launched at VMworld 2017, VMware Skyline is now available globally for Production Support and Premier Services customers at no additional cost, in English. VMware Skyline supports vSphere, NSX and now vSAN with other products expected to be added in the future. To learn more about the new features Skyline Advisor & Skyline Log Assist, please visit here.
Supporting Quotes
“Our customers count on us to manage their entire employee lifecycle through our Dayforce HCM platform. To meet our customers’ needs, we’re continually evolving our platform to deliver an enhanced service including how we secure our applications. VMware vSphere Platinum Edition offers a compelling value proposition to help us comprehensively secure our applications by focusing on their ‘known good’ state and monitor for and respond to any deviations.” – Warren Perlman, executive vice president and chief information officer, Ceridian
“DNV GL uses vRealize Operations for performance management and troubleshooting to keep our data centers running optimally. The new automated workload optimization capabilities in vRealize Operations 7.0 will help us further reduce time and effort to meet our SLAs. We have stretch clusters in our main data centers and automated workload optimization with host-based business intent in vRealize Operations 7.0 will help us balance clusters at each site while still maintaining geographic isolation. It will also allow us to save money by enabling license enforcement at the host level across our environment. At the cluster level, it will also allow us to drive SLA tiering across clusters, which is currently a tedious manual process.” – Werner Moss Totland, service manager, Global Virtualization Team, Data Centre Services, DNV GL A
“At the US Senate Federal Credit Union, we are focused on introducing new products and services to help meet our members’ evolving needs in this era of rapid technological change. We are rolling out hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) solutions powered by VMware vSAN and vSphere to help us deliver new applications and services in a more secure, efficient and quick fashion at our branches. As we expand our use of HCI solutions at additional branches we look forward to the simplified upgrade experience capabilities expected in vSAN 6.7 Update 1 to upgrade vSAN clusters including vSphere drivers and firmware across sites in an effortless fashion.” – Douglas Haines, senior vice president, technology, US Senate Federal Credit Union
Product Availability
VMware vSphere Platinum Edition, VMware vSphere 6.7 Update 1, VMware vSAN 6.7 Update 1, VMware vRealize Suite 2018, VMware vRealize Operations 7.0, VMware vRealize Automation 7.5, and vRealize Network Insight 3.9 are expected to become available by the end of VMware’s Q3 FY19 (November 2, 2018).
vSphere Platinum customers will receive a special promotional offer of $10,000 USD VMware Cloud on AWS credits to apply against VMware Cloud on AWS usage. All Platinum customers that purchase a minimum of five licenses will be eligible for the promotion. Terms and conditions apply.
For information on all news announcements issued at VMworld 2018 US, please visit the Online Press Kit.
Additional Resources
- Read a perspective on today’s VMworld news from Chris Wolf, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Global Field and Industry, VMware, „VMworld 2018 – We’re Rethinking the Limits of Innovation”
- Read the “Introducing vSphere Platinum and vSphere 6.7 Update 1” blog post
- Read the “Introducing vRealize Automation 7.5 – Helping IT Enable Developer Productivity” blog post
- Read the “Self-Driving Operations: What’s New in vRealize Operations 7.0” blog post
- Read the “Introducing vRealize Suite 2018 – Helping IT Deliver Developer-Ready Infrastructure” blog post
- Read the “VMware Network Insight 3.9 Enables Security and Visibility For The Virtual Cloud Network” blog post
- Learn more about, “Exploring the Technology Alliance Partner Program Changes”
- Connect with VMware on Twitter and Facebook
O společnosti VMware
Software společnosti VMware je základem komplexní digitální infrastruktury na celém světě. Její výpočetní, cloudová, mobilní, síťová a bezpečnostní řešení ve spolupráci s ekosystémem 75 000 partnerů pomáhají budovat dynamická a efektivní digitální prostředí více než 500 000 zákazníků z celého světa. Společnost VMware sídlí v Palo Alto v Kalifornii a letos slaví dvacet let od uvedení přelomové technologie, z níž mají prospěch podniky i společnost. Další informace naleznete na stránkách https://www.vmware.com/company.html