Ve spolupráci s organizacemi Global Citizen a financuje společnost Salesforce v tomto roce výsadbu dalších 30 milionů stromů, aby dosáhla svého cíle 100 milionů stromů do roku 2030, a věnuje 1 milion dolarů iniciativám American Forests a One Tree Planted
Praha – 27. října 2021 –
Overall Q3 Shopping Index Messaging
- 7% year-over-year overall growth in global digital commerce for November and December (slowing down from 50% year-over-year growth in 2020)
- Total digital sales are expected to reach a record high of $1.2 trillion globally
- Digital commerce growth will be driven by a 20% rise in consumer prices despite fewer global (-2%) holiday orders expected.
Digital Commerce Growth:
- Global digital revenue grew by 11% YoY in Q3, a much higher increase than was seen in Q2 (3%).
- Many countries saw a higher digital revenue growth YoY in Q3.
- ANZ saw the most significant growth with a 55% increase in revenue YoY.
- In Eastern Europe, digital revenue grew by 40%.
- APAC-EANZJ saw a 31% YoY digital revenue growth.
ANZ saw the most significant growth with a 55% increase in revenue YoY.
* In Eastern Europe, digital revenue grew by 40%.
* APAC-EANZJ saw a 31% YoY digital revenue growth.
Traffic and Order Growth:
- Overall global traffic fell by 2% YoY,* which is significantly lower than the growth of 8% in Q2.
- Global mobile traffic fell by 1% YoY while desktop traffic fell by 3% YoY
- Global orders were down 2% YoY,* a comparable statistic to the 4% decrease of Q2.
- There was a 5% growth in global orders on mobile platforms, up from 0% in Q2.
- Global orders on desktop platforms fell by 8% YoY
- Despite a global decrease in many areas of traffic and order growth, certain countries continued to grow.
- ANZ saw an increase of 50% in order growth and 6% in traffic growth
- Eastern Europe saw an increase of 33% in order growth and 11% in traffic growth.
Search Usage:
- Worldwide, 8% of shopping sessions utilise search toolbars on sites. In turn, 14% of all revenue comes from these shoppers.
- In Eastern Europe, only 3% of shoppers utilise the search toolbar, however they generate 18% of revenue.
- The search toolbar function is most popular with Australian and New Zealand shoppers, 16% utilise this feature which accounts for 40% of revenue.
Q3 Conversion Rate:
- ANZ has the highest conversion rate of Q3 at 3.6%**
- The Netherlands follows at 3.2%
- The global rate sits at 2.4%
- LAM, Spain and Italy have the lowest conversion rates, each at 1.2%.
Shopper Spend:
- The global per-visit-average spend per shopper was $2.80. That is an increase from the $2.50 average spend in Q3 2020.*
- The USA had the highest per-visit-average spend per shopper at $3.45, an increase from the 2020 Q3 average of $3.13.
- In comparison, APAC-EANZJ had the lowest per-visit-average spend per shopper at $0.90, however this was an increase when compared to $0.75 per-visit-average spend per shopper seen in Q3 2020.
- ANZ saw the greatest quarterly increase, per-visit-average spend per shopper was $3.10, compared to $2.10 in Q2 2021.
Average Order Value and Discount Rate:
- Global average order amount spent was $103.43 this quarter compared to $94.56 in Q3 2021.
- LAM, the USA and Germany came out with the highest order values, at $151, $121 and $112 respectively.
- Global discount rates remained consistent at 17% for Q3 2021 and Q3 2020.
- APAC-EANZJ saw the highest discount rates of 52% in Q3, a significant increase from the Q3 2020 figure of 17%.
Cart Abandonment Rate:
- Cart abandonment rate for the mobile category remains the highest at 86%, down from 93% in Q3 2020. Cart abandonment rates for desktop and tablet have also decreased in comparison to Q3 2020, and sit at 77% and 81% respectively.
Social Traffic:
- The overall social traffic share (share of visits where the referring source is social media) has increased fractionally from 8% to 9% since Q3 2020
- Social traffic on tablets saw the most growth, with a 4% increase compared to Q3 2020. Meanwhile, traffic on mobile and computer remained consistent with Q3 2020, at 11% and 2% respectively.
Category Growth:
- Product categories with the most growth in Q3 (compared to Q2 2021):
- Home furniture (59%)
- General handbags & luggage (37%)
- Luxury handbags (30%)
- Product categories with the greatest decrease in Q3 (compared to Q2 2021):
- Beauty, hair (-36%)
- Food & beverage (-21%)
- Beauty, makeup (-19%)
O společnosti Salesforce:
Salesforce, světový lídr v oblasti CRM, umožňuje společnostem spojit se se svými zákazníky zcela novým způsobem. Nezveřejněné služby nebo funkce uvedené v této nebo jiných tiskových zprávách a veřejných prohlášeních nemusí být aktuálně k dispozici a nemusí být nabídnuty včas, popřípadě vůbec. Zákazníci, kteří si zakoupí aplikace Salesforce, se musí o svém nákupu rozhodovat na základě funkcí, které jsou aktuálně k dispozici. Hlavní sídlo společnosti se nachází v San Franciscu, své pobočky má ale také v Evropě a Asii. Na newyorské burze společnost obchoduje pod symbolem „CRM“ (NYSE: CRM). Více informací naleznete na:
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