Služby VMware Cloud Services nabízí multicloudovou platformu na bázi SaaS pro automatizaci, analýzu, řízení nákladů a zajištění compliance
Praha / LAS VEGAS – 28. srpna 2018 – Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW) na konferenci VMworld 2018 představila nové a vylepšené služby VMware Cloud Services pro multicloudová prostředí, které umožňují provozním, DevOps, bezpečnostním a compliance týmům lépe řídit náklady, provoz, zabezpečení a soulad s předpisy v různých cloudech. Mezi novinky v cloudové provozní platformě VMware poskytované formou SaaS patří nové služby pro automatizaci VMware Cloud Assembly, VMware Service Broker a VMware Code Stream, nová služba pro konfiguraci bezpečnosti a compliance VMware Secure State a výrazná vylepšení nástroje Wavefront by VMware.
Podniky ve všech odvětvích přechází v rámci multicloudových strategií na různé kombinace cloudů. Mezinárodní analytická společnost Forrester uvádí, že 89 % podniků využívá nejméně dva cloudy a 74 % nejméně tři veřejné cloudy(1). Zároveň se však potýkají s různorodostí nástrojů a procesů, které mají poskytnout přehled, vynutit dodržování pravidel a zajistit potřebný výkon aplikací. Služba VMware Cloud Services staví na osvědčených nástrojích VMware pro správu cloudu a představuje jednotnou platformu, která pomáhá cloudovým technickým a provozním týmům získat přehled o cloudových zdrojích, řídit náklady, zvyšovat efektivitu využití zdrojů a zajišťovat kompatibilitu konfigurace v reálném čase pomocí automatizačních nástrojů.
„VMware staví na osvědčené a na trhu nejžádanější platformě pro správu cloudu VMware vRealize a poskytuje integrovaný soubor služeb typu SaaS, které jednotným způsobem řeší potřeby řízení cloudového provozu a fungují stejným způsobem ve veřejných i privátních cloudech,“ říká Raghu Raghuram, provozní ředitel společnosti VMware odpovědný za oblast produktů a cloudových služeb. „S pomocí naší komplexní platformy pro provoz cloudu dokáží zákazníci lépe využít přínosů cloudových technologií, zlepšit ekonomickou výkonnost a snížit rizika díky efektivnějšímu řízení, účinnějšímu zabezpečení a provozování pracovních zátěží v cloudu.“
Platforma VMware pro cloudovou automatizaci nabízí vysokou spolehlivost a rychlost poskytování aplikací
Cloudové automatizační služby VMware představují soubor cloudových služeb založených na osvědčeném lokálním řešení vRealize Automation. Tyto služby umožňují vývojářům snadno a efektivně budovat a zavádět aplikace. Cloudové automatizační služby zahrnují VMware Cloud Assembly, VMware Service Broker a VMware Code Stream. Společně zjednodušují poskytování aplikací, poskytují flexibilitu a možnost volby při využití cloudu a umožňují řízení rizik. Dále usnadňují spolupráci mezi tradičně izolovanými jednotkami a pomáhají zrychlit inovační cyklus.
Dále tisková zpráva pokračuje v angličtině:
- VMware Cloud Assembly: Developers want the same experience of automating deployment and consumption of infrastructure and applications in private and hybrid clouds as they adopt public clouds. Cloud Assembly delivers unified provisioning across all clouds through declarative Infrastructure as Code, including AWS, Azure, and VMware Cloud on AWS. With Cloud Assembly, IT and cloud operations teams can orchestrate and expedite infrastructure and application delivery in line with DevOps principles, improving the overall developer experience, developers get an experience equivalent to provisioning resources from native public clouds.
- VMware Service Broker: Service Broker provides simple, self-service access to multi-cloud infrastructure and application resources from a single catalog, without requiring disparate tools. With Service Broker, operations teams can more effectively govern resource access, and use and enforce security, deployment and business policies across multi-cloud environments.
- VMware Code Stream: Enterprise development teams are creating and iterating on applications faster than ever, but this work is often delivered using a combination of manual scripting and a mix of delivery tools. This creates challenges with delivery speed, visibility, and troubleshooting for code releases. Code Stream automates the code and application release process with a comprehensive set of capabilities for application deployment, testing, and troubleshooting. It features integrations with popular developer tools and supports VMware-based private clouds, VMware Cloud on AWS and native public clouds. With Code Stream enterprises get code and applications out faster and reduce the time it takes to correct issues when they arise.
VMware Secure State Helps Reduce Risk Across Multi-Cloud Environments
Clouds are extremely dynamic. The scope, scale, context, and rate of configuration changes left unchecked can prove to be disastrous to the business. VMware Secure State addresses violations in cloud configurations in real time by automating configuration security and compliance monitoring in native cloud environments. VMware Secure State allows organizations to scale actionable security insights across cloud teams, helps prevent costly security breaches and fosters innovation. VMware Secure State provides:
- Security Insights: Indexes cloud assets and builds a cloud infrastructure model to efficiently find both common cloud-native vulnerabilities and an emerging class of “connected threats” across configured cloud service layers. Provides contextual information and a “threat chain” for objects with associated cloud object relationships.
- Real-Time Detection: Tracks increasing security changes to the cloud infrastructure in real-time, providing fast notifications for object changes and the related services that may be affected. VMware Secure State proactively scales configuration security insights across security, cloud engineering, and DevOps teams.
- Continuous Compliance: Includes out-of-the-box compliance monitoring and reporting to provide overarching and targeted on-demand compliance benchmark reporting.
Reliably Scale Digital Businesses with Advanced Monitoring and Analytics
Wavefront by VMware is a cloud-native monitoring and analytics platform that gives DevOps, developer, and site reliability engineering teams instant insight into the performance of highly distributed, web-scale applications. This Wavefront update includes new enhancements including:
- Massive container scalability: Based on internal testing VMware has validated that Wavefront can ingest, analyze, and visualize metrics data from an environment running 100,000 containers.
- Comprehensive Kubernetes Support: Wavefront provides holistic Kubernetes metrics insight to help prevent monitoring blind spots. Building on the integration with Pivotal Container Service (PKS), Wavefront has added quick start from within PKS; programmatic enforcement of pre-defined alerts for important KPIs across desired Kubernetes clusters and components; and kube-state metrics to gain a holistic understanding of the health of Kubernetes within PKS.
- Serverless Application Monitoring: New Lambda SDK and dashboards enable developers to deliver serverless code with greater speed, accuracy, and reliability. Delta Counters, a new metric type, delivers more accurate reporting.
- New Visualizations and AWS UX Enhancements: New features provide real-time visibility into applications using public cloud, containerized, and microservices topologies. Wavefront’s new AWS dashboards accelerate incident resolution time by quickly visualizing where an incident is happening and seamlessly drilling down to the asset of suspected cause. New metric visualization widgets help identify anomalies and incident causes faster.
Customer Commentary
“If you’re operating in public cloud understanding the security configuration is a must. Protecting your cloud security configuration is important because it makes sense to protect and audit security controls before you deploy instead of after,” said Anji Greene, director of security, Bazaarvoice. “Integrating with DevOps makes security proactive instead of reactive. VMware Secure State puts the right information in front of our DevOps and Security teams to help prevent cloud vulnerabilities.”
“SAIC was honored to participate in the beta program and all of the surrounding activities for VMware’s new cloud automation services, and to be able to share our input to help shape the service offerings,” said Steven Haas, solutions director for cloud integration, SAIC. “Over the course of the beta process, we saw significant improvements, such as inline-code in the designer, infrastructure as code support, and tighter integrations with the leading clouds. We hope these new features will improve our customers’ multi-cloud experience and enable us to expand the current services we deliver to the Federal government.”
“uShip is an online shipping platform that uses a DevOps approach that can see as many as 10 code releases pushed to production in a single day,” said Raleigh Schickel of uShip. “Our software engineers are the on-call team and they use Wavefront’s alerting and anomaly detection to monitor new code deployments and application health. Wavefront gives our team instant insights from a variety of data sources across the full stack, with a rich query language that allows us to build metrics and alerts that bridge data and team silos while monitoring broadly for the unexpected. We’ve tried to identify and solve some code problems with other solutions over the years, but we’ve never been able to crunch and analyze that data in a way that we can do with Wavefront.”
The new capabilities for Wavefront by VMware are generally available. VMware Cloud Assembly, VMware Service Broker, and VMware Code Stream are initially available today. VMware Secure State is currently in public beta. Visit for more information on VMware Cloud Services.
For information on all news announcements issued at VMworld 2018 US, please visit the Online Press Kit.
Additional Resources
- Read a perspective on today’s VMworld news from Chris Wolf, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Global Field and Industry, VMware, „VMworld 2018 – We’re Rethinking the Limits of Innovation”
- Read this blog on VMware’s new cloud automation services
- Read this blog about VMware Secure State
- Read this blog about updates to Wavefront by VMware
- Connect with VMware on Twitter and Facebook
- Learn more about, “Exploring the Technology Alliance Partner Program Changes”
VMware, VMworld, VMware Cloud, Cloud Assembly, Service Broker, Code Stream, VMware Secure State, Wavefront, vRealize, and vRealize Automation are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States and other jurisdictions. The use of the word „partner“ or „partnership“ does not imply a legal partnership relationship between VMware and any other company. This article may contain hyperlinks to non-VMware websites that are created and maintained by third parties who are solely responsible for the content on such websites.
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