Do druhého ročníku Challenge Up! postoupilo s IoT projekty dvanáct evropských startupů

Intel, Cisco a Deutsche Telekom vyhlásily dvanáct evropských startupů, které budou společně s nimi rozvíjet projekty v rámci akcelerátoru Challenge Up! Druhý ročník intenzivního sedmiměsíčního programu je navržen pro startupy, jež se zabývají vývojem řešení v oblasti internetu věcí (IoT). Úspěšným završením tohoto programu se začínající firmy prokáží jako vhodný cíl pro investování ze strany pořádajících společností, které současně s tím podpoří vývoj jejich produktu či služby pro globální trhy. ‘Demo Day’, během něhož se těchto dvanáct společných projektů představí, proběhne v 29. listopadu v berlínském hub:raum. (TZ)

Mezi finalisty postoupil startup z České republiky eParkomat. Jedná se o unikátní platformu a algoritmus využívající data z mobilních sítí k tomu, aby předpovídal obsazenost parkovacích míst s přesností až 96 procent. Nepotřebuje k tomu žádný dodatečný hardware, jako jsou kamery, čidla či drony. eParkomat se dříve nazýval T-Parking.


Dvanáct startupů vzešlo z finálního výběru technologických a obchodních expertů společností Intel, Cisco a Deutsche Telekom během Selection Days, jež se konaly tento týden v Krakově.

Dale zpráva pokračuje v anglickém jazyce….


Ayyeka develops end-to-end remote monitoring solutions that streamline and secure the process of bringing field data to decision makers and SCADA systems, enabling smart infrastructure and environmental networks.

BeeBryte has invented an intelligent energy storage system connected to the electrical meter of commercial industrial buildings, to minimise the utility bill of clients, resulting in savings of up to 40 per cent.

With its XME technology, Dynamic Components provides a distributed data integration platform which connects embedded systems such as machines and sensors, by uniquely combining real-time and flexible play capabilities.

Emerald Air is a complete system (hardware and app), that monitors and cleans the air around you to protect your family from sickness.

eParkomat – formerly T-Parking – is an unique platform and algorithm using cellular signalling data from mobile networks, to predict the occupation of parking spots on-street with an accuracy of up to 96%, using no additional hardware such as cameras, sensors or drones.

Incelligent provides a software framework that enables telecom operators to optimise their network in real time, improving Customer Retention processes and monetising Big Data.

NFWare develops the world’s fastest virtualised IP routing software for carriers‘ networks and datacenters. The technology allows to process hundreds of gigabits of traffic faster than hardware, running on standard x86 servers in NFV and cloud environments.

Smart Worker’s Wearable Services Solution Kisoft WebEye brings the latest technology to service and augmented reality. Kisoft WebEye drastically reduces the time to fix, which saves

valuable time and expense.  Learning from experts, Kisoft WebEye delivers step by step, intuitive and efficient


TERAKI offers Big Data optimisation solutions from any type of Internet of Things sensors. Based on their core technology and other techniques, they are offering a unique way to send relevant information from any sensor source and be able to reproduce the original dataset at destination.

Toposens builds innovative 3D sensor technology which can perceive its surroundings via ultrasound in real time.

  • VisionLabs | Russia |

VisionLabs is a visual recognition company. According to LFW independent benchmarks, VisionLabs is in the top-3 of the best commercial facial recognition technologies in the world.

WICASTR is a SMART patented wireless platform that facilitates the creation of wireless networks for content distribution everywhere.

Backup Section

This year’s tailor-made Challenge Up! programme consists of remote working sessions and face to face meetings organised in Bonn, Dublin, London and Berlin, during which the selected teams will work with their mentors on joint projects. The teams will also have access to global customers, other corporate resources and ecosystems.

If you want to meet the Challenge Up! startups, join the teams at the Pioneers Festival in Vienna from May 24th and 26th. For further information contact:

Intel, Cisco and Deutsche Telekom have teamed up for the second year running, with the joint initiative to drive open innovation in IoT.  Following a successful year in 2015, where the participating start-ups worked alongside Intel, Cisco and Deutsche Telekom on joint IoT projects, the companies will embark on another exciting acceleration programme with a new set of European start-ups. Last year’s success stories include Senic, the German device company, which started a joint smart office project by integrating Nuimo, its smart controller, into Intel chip-based computers and in the Cisco Telepresence System.  Alongside this, Deutsche Telekom will have Senic’s product integrated into Qivicon, its Smart Home platform. Read about last year’s success stories here:

Industry experts and analysts predict that we are heading toward a future where everything is connected. As a result, there’s excitement building around the IoT and anticipation around its potential – it’s a key example of an industry where business is booming. But despite the buzz around IoT, there isn’t yet an end-to-end solution for IoT – this is proving to be a challenge for the industry and its spectators. With an understanding of the wants and constraints around IoT in today’s landscape, Intel, Cisco and Deutsche Telekom have teamed up to address such challenges and to support the next pioneer in the IoT space. The Challenge Up! IoT accelerator is targeted at start-ups that innovate and disrupt their markets, to drive our world to realise the potential of being increasingly connected.

Further Challenge Up! resources:

About Cisco

Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide leader in IT that helps companies seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect the previously unconnected. For ongoing news, please go to

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Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco’s trademarks can be found at Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company.

About Intel

Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) expands the boundaries of technology to make the most amazing experiences possible. Information about Intel and the work of its more than 100,000 employees can be found at and

About Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies with around 151 million mobile customers, 30 million fixed-network lines and more than 17 million broadband lines (as of December 31, 2014). The Group provides fixed network, mobile communications, Internet and IPTV products and services for consumers and ICT solutions for business customers and corporate customers. Deutsche Telekom is present in more than 50 countries and has approximately 228,000 employees worldwide. The Group generated revenues of EUR 62.7 billion in the 2014 financial year – more than 60 percent of it outside Germany.