Intel dokončuje akvizici společnosti Altera Corporation

SANTA CLARA, Kalifornie, 28. prosince 2015 – Společnost Intel oznámila dokončení akvizice společnosti Altera Corporation („Altera“), předního dodavatele technologie programovatelných hradlových polí (FPGA, Field Programmable Gate Array). Akvizice doplňuje portfolio společnosti Intel a přinese nové třídy produktů do rychle rostoucích tržních segmentů datových center a internetu věcí (IoT, Internet of Things). (TZ)

Altera bude působit jako nová obchodní jednotka společnosti Intel s názvem Programmable Solutions Group (PSG). Povede ji veterán Altery Dan McNamara. Intel zákazníkům Altery slibuje hladký přechod a bude pokračovat v podpoře i dalším vývoji jejích produktů, včetně SoC založených na ARM®, FPGA a energetických technologií. Kromě posílení stávajícího podnikání v oblasti FPGA bude PSG úzce spolupracovat s Intel Data Center Group a Internet of Things Group s cílem dodat novou generaci vysoce přizpůsobených, integrovaných produktů a řešení.

Zpráva pokračuje v anglickém jazyce

„Altera is now part of Intel, and together we will make the next generation of semiconductors not only better but able to do more,“ said Brian Krzanich, Intel CEO. „We will apply Moore’s Law to grow today’s FPGA business, and we’ll invent new products that make amazing experiences of the future possible – experiences like autonomous driving and machine learning.“

„As part of Intel, we will create market-leading programmable logic devices that deliver a wider range of capabilities than customers experience today,“ said McNamara, corporate vice president and general manager of the Programmable Solutions Group at Intel. „Combining Altera’s industry-leading FPGA technology and customer support with Intel’s world-class semiconductor manufacturing capabilities will enable customers to create the next generation of electronic systems with unmatched performance and power efficiency.“

Intel expects the acquisition to be accretive to non-GAAP EPS and free cash flow in the first full year after close, consistent with prior guidance. Intel expects the acquisition to be dilutive to GAAP EPS in the first full year after close primarily due to acquisition-related costs.

For additional information about the transaction, visit:

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Společnost Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) je světovým lídrem v oblasti inovací informačních technologií. Navrhuje a vytváří nezbytné technologie, které tvoří základ výpočetní techniky po celém světě. Intel také jako lídr korporátní odpovědnosti a udržitelnosti první na světě nabízí komerčně dostupné procesory bez obsahů konfliktních surovin. Další informace o společnosti Intel jsou dostupné na a, o procesorech bez konfliktních surovin se dozvíte více na

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Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements concerning Altera’s development and sale of products and services under its brand and the timing of products to market that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Many factors could affect Intel’s actual results, and variances from Intel’s current expectations regarding such factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements.

Words such as „expects“, „intends“, „plans“, „believes“, „seeks“, „estimates“, „continues“, „may“, „will“, „should“, and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements.

Statements that refer to or are based on projections, uncertain events or assumptions also identify forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of results and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements.

These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk that Intel may not realize the anticipated benefits of the Altera acquisition, the risk that Intel may not retain Altera’s customer relationships, and other risks associated with the acquisition, including the ability to successfully integrate the acquired technologies or operations, the potential for unexpected liabilities, and our ability to retain key employees of the acquired business.

A detailed discussion of these and other factors that could affect Intel’s results is included in Intel’s SEC filings, including the report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 27, 2014.